MSRT April release features Bedep detection

As part of our ongoing effort to provide better malware protection, the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) release this April will include detections for: Win32/Bedep – Trojan family Win32/Upatre – Trojan family Ransom:MSIL/Samas – Ransomware family In this blog, we’ll focus on the Bedep family of trojans.   The bothersome Bedep Win32/Bedep was first…

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​​Does prevalence matter? A different approach to traditional antimalware test scoring

Most well-known antimalware tests today focus on broad-spectrum malware.  In other words, tests include malware that is somewhat indiscriminate (isn’t necessarily targeted), at least somewhat prevalent and sometimes very prevalent. Typically, tests are not focused on specialized threats that are highly targeted, and most avoid including programs that walk the line between good and evil,…

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Shields up on potentially unwanted applications in your enterprise

Has your enterprise environment been bogged down by a sneaky browser-modifier which tricked you into installing adware from a seemingly harmless software bundle? Then you might have already experienced what a potentially unwanted application (PUA) can do. The good news is, the new opt-in feature for enterprise users in Windows can spot and stop PUA…

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Microsoft assists law enforcement to help disrupt Dorkbot botnets

Law enforcement agencies from around the globe, aided by Microsoft security researchers, have today announced the disruption of one of the most widely distributed malware families – Win32/Dorkbot. This malware family has infected more than one million PCs in over 190 countries. Dorkbot spreads through USB flash drives, instant messaging programs, and social networks. It…

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