Windows 10


Microsoft to offer extended Windows 10 security updates to businesses, individual users

Microsoft plans to offer extended security updates to both business and individual Windows 10 users for the first time when the operating system reaches end-of-life in late 2025.

Microsoft encouraged Windows 10 customers to begin plans to migrate to the latest version of the operating system — Windows 11 — last April with the announcement that Windows 10 22H2 would be the final version.

Windows 10 is still the most widely used version of the OS, accounting for 64% of US desktop market share, according to StatCounter’s figures; that compared to 30% for Windows 11.

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Windows Hello for Business: Passwordless authentication for Windows shops

Microsoft is trying to get rid of that sticky note that you see taped to everyone’s office monitor. You know, the one with the password on it. The one with all of the old passwords crossed off one by one, each one subtly different from the last — an exclamation point turning into an ampersand, a one into a two.

Enterprises have really done this to themselves. The passwords that most organizations require — which have to be complex, with long strings of numbers and specially cased phrases with some (but not all! heavens no, not the one you want) symbols — are difficult to remember. There’s no hope except to write them down. Then you have to reset them every so often. Then they get recycled. And on and on the cycle goes.

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Still using Windows 10 21H2? Time to upgrade

So you have a Windows 10 computer — or a fleet of them. But which exact version of Windows 10? If you are on Windows 10, version 21H2, its end of servicing is coming up on June 13, 2023. For Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Pro Education, and Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, version 21H2 will stop being offered updates — including security updates — after June. (For Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Education customers, support for 21H2 lasts another year.)

Why should you upgrade to a new feature release if your existing machines are working just fine? As Windows 10 comes into its final years of support (through to 2025), it’s key to keep machines on supported versions so you can receive security updates. Take the time to review the machines under your control and ensure that they are ready for the end of 21H2 support.

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Ransomware as a service? Windows users can still fight back.


It’s one word that can strike a chill in anyone from a corporate C-suite to a home user. It’s sometimes hard to get a feel for the overall ransomware industry (and yes, it’s now an industry). But based on anecdotal reviews of forums and social media, it appears as though attacks against individuals are slowing. I no longer see people report they’ve been hit by ransomware on their PCs.

But it may be that attackers have realized that going after “one-off” targets isn’t the best business plan. In fact, in a recent Microsoft Secure online seminar (registration required), Jessica Payne and Geoff McDonald discuss how ransomware is now a big business, offered as a service by those who sell access to compromised networks to others.

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Microsoft to end direct sale of Windows 10 licenses at the end of January

Categories: News

Tags: windows 10

Tags: windows 11

Tags: microsoft

Tags: license

Tags: sale

Tags: third party

Tags: desktop

Tags: upgrade

Tags: hardware

We take a look at reports that Microsoft will shortly be ending the direct sale of Windows 10 licenses.

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The post Microsoft to end direct sale of Windows 10 licenses at the end of January appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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Quick Heal Supports Windows 10 Version 22H2

Credit to Author: Quick Heal| Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:34:14 +0000

Quick Heal products are fully compatible with Microsoft’s latest feature update – Windows 10 2022. Quick Heal has ensured that your cyber security solution is up to speed and fully compatible with this feature update. Find out how you can enjoy a secure digital experience even with the latest OS update.

The post Quick Heal Supports Windows 10 Version 22H2 appeared first on Quick Heal Blog | Latest computer security news, tips, and advice.

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How to protect your privacy in Windows 10

There has been some concern that Windows 10 gathers too much private information from users. Whether you think Microsoft’s operating system crosses the privacy line or just want to make sure you safeguard as much of your personal life as possible, we’re here to help. Here’s how to protect your privacy in just a few minutes.

Note: This story has been updated for Windows 10 version 22H2. If you have an earlier release of Windows 10, some things may be different.

Turn off ad tracking

At the top of many people’s privacy concerns is what data is being gathered about them as they browse the web. That information creates a profile of a person’s interests that is used by a variety of companies to target ads.

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