

USPS-themed malspam now delivering 1-2-3 Knock-out

Credit to Author: Adam McNeil| Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2017 15:00:43 +0000

We’ve detected an uptick in USPS-themed malspam walloping users with a 1-2-3 knock-out of nasty malware designed to infiltrate your system and steal all your most valuable information. This malware-laced email is actively being distributed with various Subject and Body messages containing references to missing and/or late USPS parcels.



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The post USPS-themed malspam now delivering 1-2-3 Knock-out appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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Nemucod dot dot..WSF

The latest Nemucod campaign shows the malware distributing a spam email attachment with a .wsf extension, specifically ..wsf (with a double dot) extension. It is a variation of what has been observed since last year (2015) – the TrojanDownloader:JS/Nemucod malware downloader using JScript. It still spreads through spam email attachment, typically inside a .zip file,…

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Gamarue, Nemucod, and JavaScript

JavaScript is now being used largely to download malware because it’s easy to obfuscate the code and it has a small size. Most recently, one of the most predominant JavaScript malware that has been spreading other malware is Nemucod. This JavaScript trojan downloads additional malware (such as Win32/Tescrypt and Win32/Crowti – two pervasive ransomware trojans…

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