

A week in security (February 18 – 24)

Credit to Author: Malwarebytes Labs| Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 16:52:20 +0000

A roundup of security news from February 18–24 covering our most recent blogs and happenings in the world of infosec, including ATM hacking, Facebook location settings, spear phishing, and more.



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The post A week in security (February 18 – 24) appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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Miles de apps Android se saltan el ID de publicidad para monitorizar los usuarios

Credit to Author: Naked Security| Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 16:36:33 +0000

Seis años después de su nacimiento, parece que el ID de publicidad para Android (AAID) puede que ya no sea la efectiva herramienta de privacidad que Google decía. Un nuevo estudio de AppCensus ha encontrado 18.000 apps en Play Store, muchas de ellas con millones de instalaciones, que parecen estar eludiendo el sistema AAID, recopilando [&#8230;]<img src=”” height=”1″ width=”1″ alt=””/>

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Vulnerabilidades en Android abren la puerta de ataques con imágenes trampa

Credit to Author: Naked Security| Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 14:27:45 +0000

Un trío de bugs causados por inconsistencias de programación pueden haber abierto Android 7,8 y 9 ante ataques remotos con ficheros de imagen comprometidos. Según Google, estos problemas pueden permitir que un atacante remoto, utilizando un fichero PNG específicamente creado, ejecute código dentro de un proceso privilegiado. Si quieres conocer los números de estas vulnerabilidades, [&#8230;]<img src=”” height=”1″ width=”1″ alt=””/>

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All about Android upgrades (and why they're late) | TECH(talk)

Credit to Author: Ken Mingis| Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 03:00:00 -0800

It’s not exactly news that Android upgrades almost always take a lo-o-o-o-o-ng time to roll out to most users. As in months. Often, many months. Sometimes more than a year.

Sometimes never.

(There is an exception: Google delivers new versions of Android to its Pixel line right away, and did just that with the release of Android 9.0 (Pie) last fall.)

It’s now been six months since Pie arrived, which means it’s time for Computerworld blogger JR Raphael’s comprehensive look at how device-makers are doing when it comes to upgrades. 

To read this article in full, please click here

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Browser push notifications: a feature asking to be abused

Credit to Author: Pieter Arntz| Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 18:03:05 +0000

Whoever invented browser push notifications must have been able to guess they would be abused for advertising. This post explains what they are and how to disable them.



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The post Browser push notifications: a feature asking to be abused appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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