
ChromeLoader targets Chrome Browser users with malicious ISO files

Credit to Author: Christopher Boyd| Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 12:17:41 +0000

If you’re on the hunt for cracked software or games, be warned. Rogue ISO archive files are looking to infect your systems with ChromeLoader. If you think campaigns such as this only target Windows users, you’d sadly be very much mistaken. The attack sucks in several operating systems and even uses mobiles as bait to draw in additional victims.

Of PowerShells and ISOs

An optimal disc image (ISO) is a disk image containing everything written to an optical disc. If someone copied a DVD or CD-ROM, they may end up with an ISO. With the right software, these files can be mounted and read as if the device was reading from a physical disc.

If a malware author claims to be offering cracked or pirated versions of games or software, an ISO is frequently what’s on offer. They may be promoted on social media, video sites, game crack portals, or torrents. Sadly for would-be file downloaders, they’re frequently booby trapped with malware.

PowerShell is a way to automate tasks and comes complete with  a command line interface. It can be used by infection files to execute specific commands and get the infection ball rolling. This ChromeLoader attack combines both Powershell and ISOs to compromise systems.

How does ChromeLoader infect a device?

The flow is as follows:

  1. Bogus files are promoted on Twitter and other services. Some victims are simply grabbing the infection from rogue sites and/or torrents.
  2. Some social media posts promote supposedly cracked Android games via QR codes which direct would-be gamers to rogue websites.
  3. Double clicking the ISO file mounts it as a virtual CD-ROM. The executable in the ISO claims to be the content the victim was originally looking for.
  4. ChromeLoader makes use of a PowerShell command to load in a Chrome extension from a remote resource. PowerShell then removes the scheduled task and the victim is none the wiser that their browser has been compromised. At this point, search results cannot be trusted and bogus entries will be displayed to the user.
  5. As BleepingComputer notes, users of macOS are also at risk from this attack. Instead of ISO, attackers use DMG (Apple Disk Image) files, which is a more common format on that OS.

Tips to avoid ChromeLoader

  1. Searching for cracked games and software is a very risky business. Many sites promoting malware masquerading as “genuine” crack portals are hard to spot. If you’re downloading a torrent, you may well be rolling dice with regard to the digital health of your devices. Deep sales on games and products are fairly common. Unless it’s a brand new title, it may be worth waiting for a product-centric sale.
  2. In Chrome, Click the More icon, then More Tools -> Extensions. From there, you can see what’s installed, what is active or disabled, along with additional information about all extensions present. Google also has advice for resetting browser settings and additional clean-up methods.
  3. Keeping your security software up to date and running regular scans helps prevent this kind of attack. You should also always scan a downloaded file before making use of it.
  4. Keep in mind that rogue extensions don’t just come from bad websites or rogue downloads. The Chrome web store itself has been known to play host to bad files. Always check reviews, developer information, extension permissions and anything else of note before installing a new extension to your browser.

The post ChromeLoader targets Chrome Browser users with malicious ISO files appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.