
Guard Your Drive from DriveGuard: Moses Staff Campaigns Against Israeli Organizations Span Several Months

FortiGuard Labs Research

Affected Platforms: Windows
Impacted Users: Windows Users
Impact: Data theft and execution of additional malicious payloads
Severity Level: Critical

Over the past year, FortiEDR has prevented multiple attacks that attempted to exploit various Microsoft Exchange server vulnerabilities, some of which we have previously covered.

Among these attacks, we identified a campaign operated by Moses Staff, a geo-political motivated threat group believed to be sponsored by the Iranian government. After tracking this campaign for the last several months we found that the group has been using a custom multi-component toolset for the purpose of conducting espionage against its victims.

This campaign exclusively targets Israeli organizations. Close examination reveals that the group has been active for over a year, much earlier than the group’s first official public exposure, managing to stay under the radar with an extremely low detection rate.

In this blog, we will cover the Techniques, Tactics, and Procedures (TTPs) used by Moses Staff and reveal a new backdoor used by them to download files, execute payloads, and exfiltrate data from target networks, along with threat intelligence data on their activities.

Infection Vector

The initial infiltration was accomplished by leveraging the ProxyShell exploit in Microsoft Exchange servers to allow an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary commands on them through an exposed HTTPS port. As a result, the attackers were able to deploy two web shells:

  • C:/inetpub/wwwroot/aspnet_client/system_web/iispool.aspx
  • C:/inetpub/wwwroot/aspnet_client/system_web/map.aspx

These two web shells are used in conjunction with one another, and some of their functionalities overlap. On numerous occasions, map.aspx was used to validate the results of the commands executed by iispool.aspx.

Post infection, the attackers dedicated several days to the exfiltration of PST files and other sensitive data from the compromised server. Next, they attempted to steal credentials by creating a memory dump of lsass.exe using a LOLBin. Finally, the attackers dropped and installed the backdoor components.

Figure 1: Command line for dumping memory for lsass.exe

Execution Chain

The loader resides in C:WindowsSystem32drvguard.exe. When executed with the “-I” command-line argument, it installs itself as a service named DriveGuard.

Figure 2: DriveGuard service properties

The loader is responsible for executing the backdoor component and then monitoring its process, executing it whenever it has stopped. In addition, it launches a watchdog mechanism that ensures its own service is never stopped. The following flow chart illustrates the described process:

Figure 3: Loading mechanism flow

If the backdoor does not exist on the disk, the loader creates it by reading the content of C:WindowsSystem32rsc.dat and restoring its DOS header magic value to 4D 5A 90. The valid executable is written to disk at C:WindowsSystem32broker.exe

Figure 4: rsc.dat – the backdoor without magic bytes in the header

The next step is to execute the backdoor. When doing so, the loader attempts to spoof the backdoor’s parent process to be svchost.exe. This is achieved via calling CreateProcess and setting the parent process attribute (PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS) to the first svchost.exe process found in the system. Parent process spoofing may aid in the evasion of security products. Generally, this method may also be used for gaining SYSTEM privileges, but in our case, the loader is already running as a system service. If the spoofing fails, the loader will run the backdoor without it.

The backdoor is executed with the command-line argument-ser”.

Service Watchdog

The loader also sets a watchdog to ensure it remains operational. The watchdog module, lic.dll, is injected to a newly spawned lsass.exe process.

The injection is implemented in inj.dll, which uses VirtualAllocEx and SetThreadContext to run shellcode in the target process. The shellcode loads a DLL and then jumps back to the previous instruction pointer of the thread.

Subsequently, lic.dll begins to monitor the DriveGuard service, restarting it whenever it has stopped. In addition, it ensures that the DriveGuard service is always configured to start automatically on system startup.

Figure 5: The shellcode injected by inj.dll into lsass.exe
Broker Backdoor

The backdoor component oversees receiving and executing commands from the C2 server. It runs only if it receives the command-line argument-ser”. Otherwise, it triggers a divide-by-zero exception. This is most likely an attempt to thwart dynamic analysis by automatic security products such as sandboxes.

To ensure that only one instance of the backdoor is running on the system, it creates an event calledProgram event”.

Figure 6: Event created by the backdoor

The backdoor’s configuration is stored encrypted in a file at C:UsersPublicLibrariescfg.dat. The encryption scheme used is XOR-based and can be decrypted by the following Python code. The hardcoded key is consistent throughout all the samples in our possession.

def decrypt(encrypted):

key = '9c4arSBr32g6IOni'

result = ''

for i in range(len(encrypted)):

key_char ord(key[i%16]) 4

enc_char encrypted[i]

result_char (key_char enc_char) 4

result += chr(result_char)

return result

Figure 7: Python implementation of the decryption routine for the configuration file

The decrypted configuration contains two sets of C2 and URI addresses, alongside a time interval, in seconds, that determines the frequency at which to contact the server. A random value between 0 and 2 seconds is added to the interval to cause jitter.

If the configuration file does not exist, the malware uses plaintext configuration values hardcoded in the executable. In our samples, these values are identical to the ones in the configuration file.

Figure 8: Decrypted backdoor configuration
Communicate Your “Boundries”

The main part of the malware oversees communication with the server, parsing its responses and executing commands. The backdoor first sends a POST request, as can be seen in figure 9, to the first configured server. It alternates between contacting the two servers depending on their status, switching between them when they are unresponsive or return empty replies.

Figure 9: HTTP POST request sent by the backdoor to the C2

The request looks like encoded HTML form data that is delimited by a boundary value which appears to contain a misspelled "BoundrySign" string. The noteworthy fields in the request are token and data .

The data field contains information about the infected machine. The machine time zone has been chosen by the attackers for the purpose of regional attribution. This string is encrypted with the same algorithm and key that were used to encrypt the configuration file.

Figure 10: Format of victim information sent to the C2

Interestingly, the malware fails to retrieve the correct OS version due to usage of the deprecated GetVersionEx API, which causes executables without updated manifests to invariably return the Windows 8 value while actually running on a newer operating system.

The token field is comprised of the hostname, username, and an ID. The hostname and username are encrypted with a ROT5 Caesar cipher, meaning that 5 is added to each character’s ascii value. The encrypted result is then appended to the ID.

Figure 11: Format of unique identifier sent to the C2

The ID is hardcoded in the binary and is a distinctive identifier of a specific target organization. Namely, backdoor binaries are specially compiled per target before they are deployed by the threat actor.
The backdoor continually queries the server for commands. In the event of five consecutive unsuccessful queries, the backdoor will switch to contacting the backup server. An unsuccessful query is considered to be one of the following:

  • The server is unresponsive.
  • The parsed response starts with the byte 0xA.
  • The parsed response is empty.

The server response is parsed until the first “]” character and everything after is disregarded. If the response lacks a “]” it is treated as an empty response.

If the parsed server response is on”, the backdoor will continue to query the same server without switching to the backup server. Any other response is treated as a command. As such, it is decrypted with the same algorithm and key as specified previously. If the decrypted response data is self, the backdoor stops executing. Otherwise, it proceeds to parse the decrypted data as a command with the following format:

Figure 12: Format of commands sent by the C2
  • Type – The command type. This can be one of the values from the “Type” column in the Commands table
  • Arg1…Arg4 – The command arguments. Not all arguments are provided for every command, in which case their value will be the stringnull”.
  • ID – A unique identifier. This ID is sent to the server alongside the command results to associate the results with the executed command.

Supported Commands

The following is a list of the commands that the backdoor may receive from the server. Several commands involve downloading additional DLLs from the server and executing them. The functionality of these modules is unknown at this time.

Figure 13: List of supported commands

* Command present in the newer versions only
** Command present in the older versions only

History of Operations

Using Yara rules in VirusTotal’s retrohunt engine we detected two older samples of the backdoor. Both samples were uploaded around the end of December 2020, which leads us to believe that this campaign has been operating for at least a year. Until recently, they have been flying under the radar with a very low detection rate.

Figure 14: VirusTotal entries of the older backdoor versions

The most notable differences between the versions are the configuration file and the commands.

In lieu of a configuration file, the older variants exclusively use values hardcoded in the binary. In terms of commands, a few modifications have taken place in between the versions. As can be seen in figure 13, various new commands have been added to the latest samples, while other commands have been eliminated. Although commands were removed, we assess that the code might have been moved to one of the modules that can be fetched from the server.

Certain modifications may aim to improve covertness and hinder detection. For example, the older samples were able to receive the “aucommand to register a scheduled task using a command-line that was hardcoded in the binary. On the other hand, in recent attacks, we observed task registration via a scheduled task XML file that was dropped by the backdoor.

The last minor difference between versions is the name of the event. Older versions created an event calledprogram Event”. This capitalization error was corrected in the recent versions.

Searching for the C2 addresses in FortiGuard Labs’ threat intelligence systems shows a large spike in traffic volume during April 2021. This indicates that the group was operational long before their initial public exposure. All the network traffic to the malicious servers originated from Israeli IP addresses

Figure 15: FortiGuard Labs' historical data for C2 IP address

Figure 16: FortiGuard Labs’ historical data for C2 domain name

During our investigations, we were able to take over and sinkhole the techzenspace[.]com domain in the beginning of January 2022. This was done to try and prevent the backdoor from operating for the near future while attempting to identity additional infected organizations that are not Fortinet customers.


We were able to attribute the iispool.aspx web shell to the Moses Staff group based on past research. Both the web shell path and its code are identical to the ones previously reported. Another recent publication referenced in the previous section reaffirms our attribution.

All victims are Israeli organizations belonging to various industries. Although the attacks we identified did not reach a destructive stage, we can’t rule out the possibility that the backdoor is used before that to exfiltrate data from target networks.


We have been monitoring Moses Staff operations closely these past few months. We have analyzed new TTPs and attributed a new set of tools to the group, including a backdoor, a loader and a web shell.

The group is highly motivated, capable, and set on damaging Israeli entities. While they have been operating continuously and vigorously since late 2020, they were only publicly acknowledged about a year after. At this point, they continue to depend on 1-day exploits for their initial intrusion phase.

Although the attacks we identified were carried out for espionage purposes, this does not negate the possibility that the operators will later turn to destructive measures. We believe that ransomware or wipers may have not been deployed because FortiEDR blocked earlier stages of the attack.

Fortinet Protections

FortiEDR detects and blocks these threats out-of-the-box without any prior knowledge or special configuration. It does this using its post-execution prevention engine to identify malicious activities:

Figure 17: FortiEDR blocking the memory dumping attempt of lsass.exe

Figure 18: FortiEDR blocking the backdoor communication

All network IOCs have been added to the FortiGuard WebFiltering blocklist.

The FortiGuard AntiVirus service engine is included in Fortinet’s FortiGate, FortiMail, FortiClient, and FortiEDR solutions. FortiGuard AntiVirus has coverage in place as follows:


In addition, as part of our membership in the Cyber Threat Alliance, details of this threat were shared in real time with other Alliance members to help create better protections for customers.

Appendix A – MITRE ATT&CK Techniques




Exploit Public-Facing Application


Server Software Component: Web Shell


File and Directory Discovery


OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory


Data from Local System


Email Collection


System Services: Service Execution


Execution Guardrails


Access Token Manipulation: Parent PID Spoofing


Process Injection


Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information


Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols


System Information Discovery


System Owner/User Discovery


Encrypted Channel: Symmetric Cryptography


Fallback Channels


Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell


Screen Capture


Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled Task


Exfiltration Over C2 Channel

Appendix B: IOCs

File Hashes (SHA256)
2ac7df27bbb911f8aa52efcf67c5dc0e869fcd31ff79e86b6bd72063992ea8ad (map.aspx)
ff15558085d30f38bc6fd915ab3386b59ee5bb655cbccbeb75d021fdd1fde3ac (agent4.exe)
cafa8038ea7e46860c805da5c8c1aa38da070fa7d540f4b41d5e7391aa9a8079 (calc.exe)

File Names

Event Names
program Event
Program event




Learn more about Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs threat research and intelligence organization and the FortiGuard Security Subscriptions and Services portfolio.