
Seven Critical Vulnerabilities Discovered in Portainer

A FortiGuard Labs Technical Advisory Report


Portainer is a lightweight management UI which allows you to easily manage your Docker host or Swarm cluster. Over the past few months, FortiGuard Labs has been working closely with the Portainer team to address multiple critical vulnerabilities that we discovered in their Portainer application. In this technical advisory we will provide an overview of each of these vulnerabilities.

At the time of writing, all of the issues identified in this blog have been fixed and published by Portainer. Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs appreciates their quick responses and timely fixes.

FG-VD-19-118 and FG-VD-19-119: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerabilities

All versions of Portainer prior to version 1.23.0 are vulnerable to two XSS vulnerabilities. The first XSS occurs in a multiselect HTML component that allows administrators to create a new user whose username can also be a JavaScript payload.

Figure 1: A malicious username which will alert an authentication token

Whenever an administrator visits a page which displays a list of users, the XSS payload will be triggered, as shown in Figure 2:

Figure 2: XSS is triggered in Teams page

The Endpoint access management page is also vulnerable to the username-as-JavaScript payload, as demonstrated in Figure 3:

Figure 3: XSS is triggered in the Endpoint access management page

The second XSS vulnerability exists in the confirmation modal when a user performs a file deletion. Any authorized user can upload files with an arbitrary file name. When other users try to delete a file containing a JavaScript payload, XSS will be triggered, as shown in Figure 4:

Figure 4: XSS is triggered in a confirmation modal

FG-VD-19-123 – Path Traversal Vulnerability in the Upload Feature

Portainer enables users to upload files with the volume browser. The volume endpoint retrieves three parameters to upload files: volume ID, file name, and file path. However, only the file path is sanitized before the fix. Therefore, it’s possible to traverse the path by manipulating the volume ID or file name to upload files to an arbitrary location inside the container.

Figure 5: filename parameter is vulnerable to path traversal attack

As a result, the file HELLO is not uploaded into the _data directory as usual, but into its parent instead:

Figure 6: The file is successfully uploaded into unintended directory

By exploiting this vulnerability, any authorized user can upload and execute an arbitrary executable in a Portainer container by chaining an improper access control vulnerability (authorization bypass) and an insufficient check issue in Extension Activation.

FG-VD-19-122 & FG-VD-19-124: Authorization Bypass

In Portainer versions prior to 1.23.0, the ownership model allows users to specify who has permission to access their resources. By default, Portainer enforces access control to the resources in the docker according to the access control level defined for each user, with the exception that Administrators have full control over all resources. However, the ownership model of Portainer relied on the object ID, which is usually a random unique UUID. If users know the object ID, they can eventually gain access to that resource.

At first glance, relying on a random unique UUID to provide Administrators with full resource control  seems like a reasonable solution because it should be nearly impossible to guess or brute force the random object ID. However, volume resources can also be accessed via volume name, which is much easier to figure out.

Below is an example, in which the volume is owned by Administrators:

Figure 7: The volume access is granted to administrators only

Other users who do not have permission will not see this volume by default:

Figure 8: Only granted users can see private volumes

However, they can still access these volumes if they know the volume name, simply by directly querying the URL:

Figure 9: Unauthorized access to private volume

As a result, any user can download, upload, or delete any data in the volume. In addition, the Portainer volume contains a file called portainer.db, which is a database that stores user credentials. By manipulating this database, users can escalate their privileges to Administrator, or disclose other sensitive information.

The problem is due to an improper access control on Extension Activation, in which any authenticated user can access the Extension page and activate licenses. Chaining with above arbitrary file upload allows an authenticated user to overwrite the extension executable and execute it by activating the corresponding extension, which leads to remote code execution in the Portainer container.

Another authorization bypass appears in the Host Filesystem Management feature. Portainer allows an administrator to enable the feature to manage the host filesystem from the UI. Only Administrators have access to this feature.

Figure 10: Standard users are denied from accessing to Host Filesystem Management

However, this authorization only happens in the UI. The API endpoint still allows any authenticated user to access this feature:

Figure 11: List of files in the host filesystem is returned for the standard users

At this point, any authenticated user will have full permission over the host filesystem. This is a critical vulnerability, but it only works if the Host Filesystem Management feature is enabled, which is not the default setup. The next vulnerability, FG-VD-19-120, is a different story.

FG-VD-19-120: Unrestricted Host Filesystem Access

In Portainer, users have two ways to create a container: create a container alone or create a multi-container as a stack. When creating a new container alone, users have an option to mount the host filesystem into the container:

Figure 12: Mapping a path on host into the container

Administrators can disable the bind mount for non-administrators due to its potential security risk:

Figure 13: Administrators can disable bind mounts

When bind mount is disabled, users are no longer allowed to map a volume with a host file path. However, there is no security check in place when we create a stack. By instructing Docker to bind mount a host file path into the container in the Compose file, we can access the host filesystem whether or not the bind mount is allowed. 

Figure 14: Bind mount in the Compose file

The patch by Portainer parses the Compose file content and disallows bind mount:

Figure 15: The patch for FG-VD-19-120


FortiGuard Labs reported seven vulnerabilities to Portainer in September 2019, and we have subsequently worked closely with the Portainer team to resolve all issues. All vulnerabilities are rated critical and easy to exploit, allowing attacker to steal the session, escalate privilege or access to host filesystem.

Fortinet released the following IPS signatures to protect our customers from the identified XSS vulnerabilities:


Other vulnerabilities are logical vulnerabilities, and the best recommendation is for administrators to upgrade to Portainer release 1.23.0 as soon as possible.

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