
Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode 118

Credit to Author: Jeffrey Esposito| Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 15:42:24 +0000

Kaspersky podcast: UK to require Drone registration

As we take on the 118th edition of the Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast, Dave and I look to the future.

The first story is about Ring. Now, we all know about what Ring can do now, but as its relationships with law enforcement grow, are we ready for what the future holds? After that, we stay in the realm of Amazon and the future of Alexa. How would you feel if your virtual assistant had eyes and walked?

From the home space, we move to the air. This story is not “new” news, but it’s something worth keeping an eye on as the UK looks at tightening drone regulation. To close out the podcast, we take a look at healthcare and Google’s Project Nightingale.

If you like what you heard, please consider sharing with your friends or subscribing. For more details on the stories from this week, please click the links below.
