
Guillaumes journey with the Teachers program in Cameroon

Credit to Author: Employee Voices| Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 13:00:27 +0000

My journey

After I obtained a literary bachelor’s degree in 2004, I decided to join the French army in February 2005 as a volunteer. I spent 5 years with the mountain troops at the 93rd regiment of mountain artillery Varces Allières and Risset.

On the radar operator and observation team I served alternately in French Polynesia (2005) and Afghanistan (2007). At the end of my contract I decided to resume my studies in business school in 2010 to successively obtain a BA and a masters in brand strategy, innovation, launch of new products and services.

Training Department at Schneider Electric

I returned to work on a study contract in 2012 in Schneider Electric’s training department. In 2017, I received a permanent contract as a deployment manager for marketing plans, within the training department. Since October 2018, I am in charge of the delivery of strategic programs within the Innovation and Strategy team of Training Institute (customer training service of Schneider Electric). I am based out of the head office in Rueil Malmaison, France, also known as the Hive.

In 2019 I decided to volunteer with the Schneider Electric Foundation to participate in the Teachers program.

Cameroon Schneider Electric teachers program


My mission for Schneider Electric Teachers Program

Currently integrated within the “Training Institute” entity, Schneider Electric France’s customer training department, as head of strategic programs, I had the honor to participate in the “Teachers” program. As a volunteer, I got to go to Cameroon from the 18th to 24th of June 2019 as a trainer. As such, I was able to animate for a week the module “sales technique” within the Catholic Institute of Arts and Crafts Douala.

My students, aged 22, were in DD4E license (sustainable development, energy efficiency, renewable energy, ethical environment). This license highlights the values ​​that Schneider Electric fully shares in its “Life is On” strategy.


Teachers program in Cameroon through Schneider Electric foundation

The module “sales technique” was part of their curriculum, and I had the pleasure of being able to animate and team up with them for 5 days. To know how to be, to know how to do, to prepare a sales interview, and to negotiate are all skills that I was been able to pass on through examples from my professional and personal experience. The idea was not only to sell ​​more, but especially sell better, through fundamental values ​​common to Schneider Electric and ICAM.

The Training Institute 

Through this training module, I was able to implement the training methodologies provided by Training Institute, with a focus on a permanent exchange between the learners and the trainer, by offering them working methods. This allowed them to maximize their assimilation and put into practice the theoretical part.

Brainstorming, questions  and answers, free exchanges, and role plays are what the week of training consisted of.

Teachers program in Cameroon through Schneider Electric foundation

The students who had never done business during their time in school, proved to be particularly good at exercising the skills. Motivated, passionate, willing, curious and excited are all words that allow me to describe them today. These students have awakened a real interest in the commercial aspect of their future job, and have revealed unsuspected entrepreneurial ambitions for me before my arrival.

I am sure the future entrepreneurs and leaders of “Africa of tomorrow” are the students trained each year in Cameroon! Training is, and will remain, a pillar of the development of the African continent (for an ambitious, autonomous and economically strong Africa).

Schneider Electric, the Teachers program, and each of the group’s employees can contribute to the growth of Africa and Cameroon by transmitting their knowledge and values.

Meaningful Purpose

Being in the Teachers program in Cameroon proved the meaningful purpose that Schneider Electric preaches. With this value, and by teaching and helping others, we ensure that Life is On everywhere, for everyone, at every moment.

The Schneider Electric Foundation gives employees three ways to use their energy to help others. You can be a teacher like Guillaume was, you can be a social networker or you can be changemaker in local community. In 2018, the foundation has trained 48,800 young people, and 1,192 trainers have been trained. Thus far in 2019, 24,577 young people have been trained. We have 180 partnerships, in 85 countries and in the last three years alone, 245 projects have been supported. We want  to see these numbers grow, so check out the site to see the missions. You can be a part of the change.

About the Author

Guillaume's experience with Schneider Electric teachers program



Guillaume is a Strategic Program Manager in the Training department. He is based out of the Rueil Malmaison office in France (The Hive). Prior to working at Schneider Electric, he gained a Literary Bachelors degree. After getting his degree, he spent about 5 years in the French army. At the end of his contract and resume his studies in Business school to gain a Bachelors and Masters in brand strategy, innovation, launch of new products and services.

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