
GAME CHANGING TECH! – Shielded Solid Insulated System Medium Voltage Switchgear

Credit to Author: Jeff M Miller, PE| Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 11:54:51 +0000

“Once in a while an innovative technology will catch my eye as an industry GAME CHANGER! Like when I first learned about Premset medium voltage switchgear.”

Over the past 7 decades medium voltage switchgear has undergone several evolutions to improve safety, reliability and sustainability of power distribution. Premset represents a leap forward in MV switchgear design eliminating many failure modes, operator hazards and susceptibility to environmental hazards. Premset achieves this using a Shielded Solid Insulated System (2SIS) that encapsulates the current carrying phases and core unit of the switchgear.

What You Need to Know

  1. Premset can reduce the MV footprint by up to 60%.
  2. Premset reduces the likelihood of arc flash by eliminating >50% of failure modes identified by IEEE 493.
  3. Premset shields electric fields preventing premature dielectric aging.
  4. Premset has intuitive interlocked operation with insulated busbars and core unit for operator safety.
  5. Premset has extremely low maintenance compared with air insulated or gas insulated switchgear.
  6. Premset has no pressurized gas such as SF6 with greenhouse gas concerns.
  7. Premset can be a lower total cost of ownership compared with traditional solutions.
  8. Premset comes with additional features for even more benefits!

Where You Can Learn More

Stay tuned for future GAME CHANGING TECH articles!

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