
International Youth Day: Let’s Go Engineering

Credit to Author: Employee Voices| Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2019 04:00:45 +0000




This is our second blog to celebrate the International Youth Day on Aug 12th, defined by the United Nations. ​This year’s theme, ‘Transforming Education’, highlights efforts to make education more inclusive and accessible for all youth in line with the Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Susanna Cabos from Schneider Electric Spain shares her recent exciting event with youth to promote education in engineering.

Meeting 500 bright students  

Future, innovation, engineering, education, values. These are just some ideas that Schneider Electric volunteer employees have shared with nearly 500 students from 6 schools in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Bilbao in the first edition of Let’s Go Engineering.

During the 9 months, girls and boys have explored the three axes of the program. Breaking stereotypes, raising interest in engineering and developing the final project. Along the way, through games and educational activities, they have discovered women inventors in history. They have understood how order logistics work in the logistics center of Schneider Electric. They have also participated in a game on energy efficiency and have learned to program in a basic way through Scratch, among many other activities.

Lots of creativity in the final project

In the month of June, students by group presented their project. The construction of a musical instrument with recycled material, tuning what they learned in the program in a basic way. In the end you could see drums, guitars, violins, saxophones and pianos. You got to feel and see the emotion and pride of the students and teachers as well as the team of volunteers.

Once the presentations were finished, the students answered a brief questionnaire designed by ICE-UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia). It has allowed us to measure the impact of the program and propose improvements for future editions.

As a gift for having a positive attitude and participation, the students received a diploma accrediting their work during the course. They also received a light switch sealed with the name “Let’s Go Engineering” to “give light” to their room and to always remember the experience.

Becoming an engine of innovation  

We couldn’t be more excited! A program that was born as a pilot test in a couple of centers at the initiative of a few volunteer employees, has become an engine of innovation and values ​​in which, in addition to involving students, it involves the school, families, AMPA (Asociaciones de Madres y Padres de Alumnos), teaching staff, university and business.

The first edition is over, we are already at work in the preparation of next year 2019/2020. The results could not have given us a better taste in our mouth to continue with our goal of breaking gender stereotypes at an early age and encouraging interest in engineering.

Happy International Youth Day to everyone!

About the Author

Susanna Cabos is Business Development Director, Secure Power for Schneider Electric Iberia Zone. She is a customer experience professional with great passion for life-long learning and giving the best of her to build a better world.

Connect with Susanna on Linkedin



Taking this opportunity, I appreciate the great support and team work from the following school leaders and many more volunteers.

  • Jon Ibarrondo in Kukullaga School in Bilbao
  • Esther Vicedo in Pio XII School in Valencia
  • Maria del Carmen Menacho in Legamar School in Madrid
  • Maria del Carmen Alvarez in SEK School in Madrid
  • Ignasi Pedrell in Jesuitas School in Barcelona
  • Susanna Cabos in Grevol School in Barcelona

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