Everything you need to know about hmi software
Credit to Author: Atin Chhabra| Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 06:11:56 +0000
Human-machine interface (HMI) software acts as a bridge between machine operators and the system to manage and control operations. Some of the versions of HMI software helps in translating data from industrial control systems into the human-readable visual representations of the systems.
While talking about HMI, many tools and other aids are under the control of a human operator. For instance, the physical aspect of HMI could be a machine that has a touch display, push buttons or a computer that has a keypad. At the same time, its primary focus is on problem-solving in a more naturalistic setting. When seeing things from an industrial point of view, HMI will help you closely understand and monitor production and respond to the changing production demands, which will lead to better efficiency and increase in output.
Another thing to keep in mind is that HMIs, they are usually deployed on Windows-based machines, which communicates with programmable logic controllers and other industrial controllers.
When you set-up a proper Human-Machine Interface software and with that employe a SCADA software is a perfect match. Any discussion on trends in the automation space is incomplete without talking about the maintenance and safety of the connected machinery. As we know that machines often work at an high speed that it becomes a hard job for humans to intervene and compute the actual throughput of the entire system, hence it is necessary that advanced system like SCADA shall be integrated to allow smooth functioning.
When talking about Machine learning one must keep in mind that it is a subset of artificial intelligence that follows an iterative learning mechanism. Hence, Machine learning is important because, as the system is exposed to a new set and style of data, for the same query, they are able to adapt to the ongoing behaviour of the operator. Due to this, the system is efficient enough that it learns from previous computations that have been made to generate reliable, repeatable decisions and results that are acceptable in vigorous computation and operation of the connected devices.
Moreover, as the system starts to grasps the expected operations, the machine is then able to make predictions based on the massive amounts of data. This operation is purely driven by artificial intelligence, and its branch of that deals in pattern recognition. The system has the ability to draw knowledge from experience independently. For this very reason, this technology has successfully brought importance in industrial processes.
The HMI software when integrated with various technologies helps work become even more efficient and error-free. The combination of the two is not only used to predict the required behaviour but also have the capability to forecast any system defects, which means that breakdowns can be forecasted and preventive measures can be taken immediately before any major breakdown in the machinery happens.
One of the many purposes HMI solves is increasing the throughput and reducing manual efforts. This is only achievable because machine operations are accurate, precise and timely. Moreover, self-operated machine actions reduce the human efforts that can be deployed in other tasks that need their attention.
The post Everything you need to know about hmi software appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.