
Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode 78

Credit to Author: Jeffrey Esposito| Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 13:51:46 +0000

The 78th edition of the Kaspersky Lab Transatlantic Cable podcast comes to you from Dubai. I am over here for a meeting with some of my team based in this corner of the world. Wait, the earth is round, let’s call it this spot on the globe (not sorry, flat Earthers).

Time zones are not our friend, and David has the week off. Instead, I sit down with Ahmed from Dubai, Mucahit from Istanbul, and Kseniya from Moscow to chat about a handful of stories and to also get a younger generation’s view on some of the technologies that Dave and I often riff on.

We start the podcast discussing the recent news about compromised OKCupid accounts. Although there wasn’t a data breach, this story nonetheless brings us to a conversation on data and concerns for our younger colleagues on data security. From there, we jump to Amazon’s recent acquisition of Eero and what this means for Smart Home devices. Wrapping things up, we keep our focus on the IoT and look at industrial refrigerators and what their default passwords mean for users.

If you enjoy the podcast, please consider subscribing below — and for more details on the stories we discuss, please visit the links below.
