
Grand Theft IT? Not quite

Credit to Author: Sharky| Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2018 03:00:00 -0700

The time has come for the sales team at this financial services company to get new top-of-the-line laptops — and they’re being upgraded 80 at a time, reports an IT pilot fish there.

“Late one night, the guy in charge of the upgrade got a call from Security saying that a break-in had occurred,” fish says. “They told him that on the security cameras they saw the thieves making off with a lot of laptops.

“The upgrade project manager arrived at the scene to meet the police — who were very puzzled when he started laughing.

“Turns out the thieves stole 80 decommissioned laptops with no hard drives, while ignoring the 80 new laptops sitting in boxes beside the decommissioned ones.”

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