
This Week in Security News: Fines and Funding

Credit to Author: Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)| Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2018 13:40:22 +0000

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, the SEC paid $35 million in fines following the 2014 breach, in which Russian hackers obtained the information of 500 million users. In addition, IoT research revealed 64 percent of broadband households are concerned about data privacy.

Read on to learn more.

Customer data & marketing operations: Keeping your data safe on the journey to GDPR compliance

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that comes into effect on May 25th, 2018, it’s critical that the Marketing Operations teams are an integral part of the compliance process.

Graffiti in the digital world: How hacktivists use defacement

Activists have been featured more frequently in the news lately, with marches shining the spotlight on women’s rights and bringing about an end to gun violence, to name a few. However, the real world isn’t the only place where activism happens. 

The Risks of Bio-IoT

Bio-IoT: Internet of Things applied to biological systems, such as pharmaceutical delivery systems, implanted medical devices, intelligent prosthetics, surgical assistants, and remote patient monitoring. 

The New Mobile Threat Landscape, circa 2017 to 2018

If mobile threats diversified and expanded in 2016, they matured in 2017. Mobile ransomware continued to rear its head, burgeoning into the platform’s most prevalent threat.

SEC Hands Down $35 Million Fine in Yahoo Hack

Yahoo agreed to pay $35 million to settle charges for its 2014 breach.

A Lack Of Cybersecurity Funding And Expertise Threatens U.S. Infrastructure

Most leaders in infrastructure-related industries take cyber risk seriously, but experts are pressuring lawmakers to take more decisive action across the public sector.

Customer Data & Marketing Operations: Keeping Your Data Safe on the Journey to GDPR Compliance

With GDPR in full effect starting May 25, it’s important that all teams are a part of the compliance process, especially Marketing Operations.

FDA Plans Cybersecurity ‘Go-Team’ to Strengthen Medical Devices

The FDA is pushing healthcare providers to improve the cybersecurity of connected medical devices.

Aligning with the GDPR: Data Breach Prevention and Notification

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is receiving more attention and anticipation with the recent reports of data breaches.

Recent IoT Research Says Broadband Households Care More About Cybersecurity Than Ever Before

Parks Associates released a whitepaper showing 64 percent of broadband households are concerned about their safety and privacy.

How Can the Network Be Protected From Targeted Attacks?

The threat actors behind targeted attacks often use sophisticated tools and tactics to thwart and bypass traditional security technologies, which are ill-equipped to handle more advanced attacks.

How the GDPR Will Trigger a Shift in Enterprise Operations

A 2017 market study showed that 53 percent of companies surveyed were using big data analytics, a large leap from only 17 percent of companies in 2015. 

Were you surprised to learn 64 percent of broadband households are concerned about data safety? Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation; @JonLClay.

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