
New jRAT/Adwind Variant Being Spread With Package Delivery Scam

Credit to Author: Xiaopeng Zhang| Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 19:44:59 +0000

At the beginning of February 2018, FortiGuard Labs collected a malicious email with the subject “UPS DELIVERY UPDATE”, as shown in Figure 1. Phishers and scammers traditionally misuse the names of well-known organizations and individuals in order to make their malicious messages seem legitimate, allowing them to more easily trick unsuspecting victims. This email message contains a fake order tracking number with a bogus hyperlink that, rather than connecting the user to a legitimate website, downloads a jar malware. After a quick analysis, I was able to determine that this malware is jRAT/Adwind.

jRAT (also called Adwind) is a commercial cross-platform remote access Trojan that is written in Java. It is designed to control and collect data from a victim’s machine regardless of whether it is running Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, or BSD. While jRAT is not very new, it keeps upgrading its technology. In this blog, I will show you how this variant that we collected works on a Windows system.


Downloading the jRAT malware from the hyperlink

Figure 1 shows the content of the fake UPS email. The hyperlink on the order tracking number points to the malware download page “hxxp://”. Note that a real UPS tracking link should be in this format: "hxxp://”.


Figure 1. Fake UPS shipment notice


Figure 2. Downloading the jRAT malware in IE


As you can see from Figure 2, the downloaded file is named “upslabels.jar”.

A Jar file is a Java package format file that can be executed by a Java.exe program. This means that to get this malware running, the victim has to have installed the Java running environment on his system.


Static analysis of the upslabels.jar file (the parent-jar)

When dragging the jar file into a Java static analysis tool, it’s obvious that it uses obfuscation technology to protect it from being easily analyzed. The package names, class names, function names, field names, and resource names are all random strings. It even could bypass the JD-GUI tool because the jar’s entry function – main function is decompiled as empty in the tools. Figure 3 shows the view of “usplabels.jar” in an analysis tool.


Figure 3. Random names and empty main function in JD-GUI


I was able to decompile the jar file into Java source code so I could debug the source code in Eclipse. BTW, when the upslabels.jar starts, it drops another jar file. So I call the upslabels.jar the parent-jar. It is actually like a packer for PE files. I then call the dropped jar file the main-jar.

To make it hard to be analyzed, all the constant strings in it are split and defined into many different classes, all of which will be concatenated during runtime. Below are two code snippets displaying how the split strings are defined, and how one split string is concatenated.


  public class Unmedaled  {  […]    public static void hayneTech()    {      Unpeg.difdaBruzz = "com.oofiest.flatterer.Shreds.get";      Unpeg.noxChoop = "BuggyAlogy(), com.";      Unpeg.corrBlimy = "miesFubs(),";      Unpeg.jismDupe = "stils.Un";      Unpeg.mhoAevum = "m.cholle";      Unpeg.thyselBazar = "AES";      Unpeg.mendeeHunh = "AES";      Unpeg.boohooTalked = "002216ca4";      Unpeg.rebelWasir = "st/oe";      Unpeg.pnyxLwo = "l.Jrat";    }  }    public class NeukBons  {  […]    public static void huminEntr()    {      Unpeg.dartreJazy = (new StringBuilder()).append(Unpeg.difdaBruzz).append(Unpeg.simasHaul).append(Unpeg.pindaHowso).append(Unpeg.fountLwp).append(Unpeg.orlonSwythe).append(Unpeg.nixonFlange).toString();    }  }  

Part of the split strings will be combined as Java code to be executed later by a ScriptEngine object by calling its eval function. It also attempts to hide the keyword code. Below is an example of calling eval function:

  public static void unrowWote() throws ScriptException  {    AeacusAdm.abyChm.eval(Unpeg.keltsKru);      }    

“AeacusAdm.abyChm” is a ScriptEngine object. “Unpeg.keltsKru” is a String type variable that holds the concatenated string of “com.oofiest.RectaSeers.pedeeGunsel=com.choller.pastils.Unpeg.getAtaPawls().getBytes();”, which is then executed in the AeacusAdm.abyChm.eval function. The result is an AES key used to decrypt other classes, so the key is saved in the variable com.oofiest.RectaSeers.pedeeGunsel with the value [0, 50, 50, 49, 54, 99, 97, 52, 51, 55, 98, 52, 52, 52, 53, 0].

This variant also contains a lot of resource files (see the file list in Figure 3), which are encrypted. The parent-jar reads and decrypts them, and then some of them will be combined as Java class files, constant strings, or URL strings.


Dynamic analysis of the upslabels.jar file

Next, I will provide more details about how this variant works chronologically.

When started with Java.exe, this variant sets up two JVM global properties, "q.main-class"->"operational.Jrat" and "q.encryptedPathsPath"->"/com/choller/LidoMath", by calling the System.setProperty function. The value of the property “q.main-class” is retrieved later in a dynamically generated class to load the main class. The value of the property “q.encryptedPathsPath” is "/com/choller/LidoMath", which is the first element of an encrypted resource chain.


Figure 4. Calling System.setProperty


It then loads data from a resource file and decrypts it using the AES algorithm to get a class file. It will be a dynamic class to be loaded as “qeaqtor.Loader” by calling the  ClassLoader.defineClass method. Figure 5 shows the main steps to loading dynamic class “qeaqtor.Loader”. I added comments to the code for better understanding.


Figure 5. Load dynamic class qeaqtor.Loader


After that, the “Loader” class in package “qeaqtor” is ready to be used. It contains four methods: bytes, criminal, go and resource. Only go is declared as “public static”. The go method is the entry method of this class. It’s obtained from the result of calling qeaqtor.Loader.class.getMethods() and returns with a method array, the first of which is method go. I dumped the class to a local file and then decompiled it, so in the snippet below you can see how the class qeaqtor.Loader and its member variables are declared, as well as the code of method go.

Here it reads out "/com/choller/LidoMath" by calling function System.getProtperty() from the JVM global property "q.encryptedPathsPath". As I said above, this is the first element in a resource chain. It is a path to the AES encrypted resource file. After decrypting its content and calling nextPath = dis.readUTF(); it gets the next resource’s path from the decrypted data. It also reads another global property value into the Loader class variable _main_class that is used in the following dynamic loaded class.

Figure 6 is the screenshot of the partially decrypted data. You can see "/com/choler/BayaFinn" will be the next one in the resource chain.


Figure 6. Decrypted resource "/com/choller/LidoMath"


In this way, it can load all resources in the resource chain and then put the decrypted data together into a mainBaos object.

Actually the final data could make a LinkedHashMap object, as it reads all the data into a LinkedHashMap object Loader.paths. From the Java document the class is defined as "Class LinkedHashMap". This class contains two members, Key and Value. You get the Value by Key calling its get() function. In this case, the Value consists of the resource path and AES decryption key. In the following steps, using this LinkedHashMap object, the malware can read and decrypt a number of resource files, including URL, more dynamic class files, and the dropped working jar file.

Figure 7 shows one pair of K and V from the object paths. It contains 122 pairs of K and V.


Figure 7. View of LinkedHashMap object paths


Loader class has a class member qeaqtor_resources declared as the following:

  public static final String[] qeaqtor_resources = {"/qeaqtor/Loader.class", "/qeaqtor/URLStreamHandler.class", "/qeaqtor/URLStreamHandlerFactory.class", "/qeaqtor/URLConnection.class", "/qeaqtor/Header.class"};

It’s a string array containing five strings, all of which are Keys in the paths object. The next step in the go method is to load all of these classes except for the first one (it has already been loaded.). Through paths.get() we get the corresponding resource path and AES decryption key to decrypt the resource loaded into JVM as class, just like loading the Loader class. At the bottom of this function, it calls the last loaded class’s go() method by calling getMethod(“go”…) and invoke(). The last loaded class is “/qeaqtor/Header.class”, which I also dumped to a local file for further analysis.

Let’s move forward to see what Header.go method does. It calls the Loader.crimina("smart-qrypt-address"); method to get a URL. Here “smart-qrypt-address" is a Key in Loader.paths. It ends up with the URL string "hxxps:// 1517566981.jar". It then accesses this URL and downloads a new file to replace the current parent-jar and run it. In short, it upgrades itself every time it starts. Figure 8, below, contains the code snippet.


Figure 8. Upgrades itself every time it starts up


The Header.go method continues to load the dynamic class whose name is in Loader._main_class, i.e. “operational.Jrat". It is formatted as “criminal/0/operational/Jrat.class“. No doubt, it’s a Key to Loader.paths as well. The resource file for this Key is “/com/choller/britchka/HiantPfc“. Decrypting it can get a class file, and then the “operational.Jrat” class is loaded dynamically into this JVM. Below is the related code snippet.

  Object brother = new URLClassLoader(urls);  Class sister = ((ClassLoader)brother).loadClass(Loader._main_class);  sister.getMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class }).invoke(null, new Object[] { args });  

The purpose of the Jrat.main function is to drop another jar file into the system temp folder, which will take control to perform the actual malicious actions on the victim’s system. It is the main-jar file. Similarly the main-jar file is encrypted and split into different resource files. It can be restored through the Loader.paths. Figure 9, below, is the code snippet of operation.Jrat.main that tells how the main-jar is restored and run up.


Figure 9. Run main-jar up


Here is a view of the overall flow chart of what upslabels.jar does.


Figure 10. The overall flow chart of upslabels.jar execution


When the main-jar runs, it adds itself into the startup group in the system registry so that it will be run whenever the system starts. It also covertly runs two VBS scripts from the system temp folder to get the installed AntiVirus and Firewall products on the system. Figure 11 shows the process tree in Process Monitor when upslabels.jar runs.


Figure 11. Process tree when running upslabels.jar


So far, I’m still working on analyzing the dropped main-jar.

During my analysis, we also observed that there were many different jRAT variants captured in our malware collection system. The list below is a partial listing of them.

  D15DE96E4E287377491AAD6C29201F5D|Order_2018.jar  AB679F467A773BB14E8C5812102DBCF5|Order_2018.jar  AAF35F7D8C5D12BA595800287176336B|1Z2959990312036034.jar  C66E26C585BA64AF4EE234787694B44C|Order_2018.jar  AD63F38A172367CE5A0919A04968030E|Order_2018.jar  212DD73E8896DA5F5F37E67A38B546FC|Order_2018.jar  C87C87BAA62143EC219A204FA3AA2E48|Payment details.jar  632AEFADDD6005C4F85616CDEA6BEE74|DOC0.14538400 1.jar  15B9AE21D412ED477619F6E7B3CC43F6|Document.jar  2395E2D206D002203965CF9C1D38906C|SOA.jar  5FB5E4E13620DC2EC0B2D4E1F5E2B099|Order_2018.jar  5E1D0FAAA0561E63069D26F69B8AB552|Order_2018.jar  7454B206D9F8BDD0F99F8365E278A214|Invoice.jar  DDFBFBE75F00047B6AA7129950A16CD8|New Order.jar  



The FortiGuard Antivirus service has detected the file "upslabels.jar" as Java/Adwind.AAV!tr. The jar download URL has been rated as Malicious Websites by the FortiGuard Webfilter service.



URL list:


hxxps:// 1517566981.jar

Sample SHA-256 hashes:




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