
Raising the Bar on Cybersecurity Awareness at Mobile World Congress

Credit to Author: Ronen Shpirer| Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 09:00:59 +0000


Fortinet will be making its first ever appearance at the 2018 Mobile World Congress (MWC), billed as the world’s largest gathering of the Communication Service Providers (CSPs) industry, this coming February 26 through March 1 in Barcelona, Spain.

Our presence at MWC means a lot to us on several levels. First, it demonstrates Fortinet’s strong position, solutions, and commitment to the mobile operators and the managed security service provider (MSSPs) community. Second, we look forward to demonstrating how we secure digital transformation for CSPs and their customers via the Fortinet Security Fabric foundation, addressing cybersecurity challenges across fixed, networked, cloud, and physical and virtual mobile computing environments. Third, not only is it possible to address cybersecurity risks through the deployment of the Fortinet Security Fabric, but it can also unify security processes and technologies across all current and emerging fields of computing and communications endeavor.

MWC attendees will find much more than a simple vendor booth when they encounter Fortinet at MWC. Our conference floor presence spotlights three zones of security relevant to the mobile industry:

  • Agile Security Zone. Showcases Fortinet’s solution and capabilities in agile, automated, and self-provisioned service environments.
  • Advanced Security Zone. Presents the latest security approaches enabling CSPs to provide security for Internets of Things (IoT) and Industrial Computing Systems/Operational Technology (ICS/OT) infrastructures.
  • Mobile Security and Managed Security Services (MSS) Zone. Demonstrates security in virtual mobile core and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) in Mobile Operators environments and how this enables MSSPs to successfully provide a wider range of integrated and automated managed security services.

We have set up a rotating schedule of live presentations to run over the four days of the Congress. Presentation topics include:

  • The Benefits of TOSCA-Based (Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications) Security Orchestration
  • Encoring Operational Technology Security With Firewalls
  • The ABCs of Delivering Security as a Service (SECaaS)
  • Monetizing Threat Intelligence
  • Security Services for Multitenancy Edge Computing
  • Providing Secure SD-WAN
  • Security in LTE/5G Mobile Core

This cycle of presentations will repeat every day of the Congress, with start times scheduled to avoid scheduling conflicts.

The Fortinet booth is located in Hall 7, Stand 91. While the booth location is in a central exhibit hall location, experienced MWC attendees know our booth location area is where they’ll find the most innovative companies.

To preview the Fortinet presence at the 2018 Mobile World Congress, attendees can visit our webpage, which includes details on what they will find in the Fortinet booth, a full technical presentation schedule, and an interactive sign-up page to schedule meetings and briefings with Fortinet security solution experts.

We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona. Plan on-the-scene reports when MWC kicks off in late February.