
Throwback Thursday: What are the odds?

Credit to Author: Sharky| Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 03:00:00 -0800

Internet filter is installed at this site, and in the beginning, there are complaints from users who can’t get to their favorite non-business sites, says an IT pilot fish working there.

But after six months and lots of explanations to users, the complaints have stopped. “Then one Saturday evening, a user called me,” fish says.

“He called to report that something must be wrong, because he could get to his lottery numbers tonight.

“I told him thanks, and that I would inform the individual in charge of the filter on Monday morning, as it wasn’t stopping anything production-critical during the weekend hours.

“I still can’t decide which is funnier: the fact that apparently every day for nearly six months this user tried to get to his lottery numbers even though the page should have never loaded again — or that, when he actually was able to, he reported it as a problem.”

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