
An IRISSCON 2018 roundup

Credit to Author: Christopher Boyd| Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 13:00:25 +0000

Last week, some 400-plus attendees listened to a wide variety of infosec topics at the ninth annual IRISSCON, Ireland’s longest-running security event.

I already talked a fair bit about this one a few weeks back, so rather than repeat myself, I’ll let the videos do the talking. First up, the Keynote:

Next, a great and brutally honest talk by Quentyn Taylor about the day-to-day dealings of a CISO. Humorous and filled with truth bombs—What could be better?

Back in July, I gave my Mahkra ni Orroz talk at SteelCon, and I was lucky enough to give a retooled version for IRISSCON, now with revised slides, additional content, extra information, and a few of the wrinkles mentioned in this blog post ironed out.

If you want a good introduction to the world of physical security and social engineering your way into places you shouldn’t be, then this talk by FreakyClown will likely be just what the tailgating doctor ordered:

The tale of how Lee Munson got into security—and stayed there—is definitely worth checking out, especially as it shines a light on how many people with no security qualifications make valuable contributions to the industry.

A splash of human nature to go with your computer security, courtesy of Dr. Jessica Barker:

There’s a few pieces of coverage for the event over on The Register [1], [2], [3], and you can catch the rest of the talks on the official IRISSCERT Youtube channel.

The post An IRISSCON 2018 roundup appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.