
A week in security (November 6 – November 12)

Credit to Author: Malwarebytes Labs| Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2017 20:47:53 +0000

After coming out victorious in a case against PUPs, Malwarebytes CEO Marcin Kleczynski has this to say:

And my, do we feel like champions!

You can read more about this here.

Last week, we looked into the cryptocurrency mining phenomenon, rising digital crimes that target businesses—the final supplement of a two-part series—a bogus WhatsApp app that got through the Google Play store because the actor behind it used Unicode, and puppy scams. We also revealed a Bitcoin multiplier scam that actors behind the Magnitude EK were banking on and the coming back of the Disdain EK, this time delivering a Neutrino bot.

Lastly, we put out word about potential fakeries from cybercriminals targeting those shopping on Singles’ Day and a little exercise for the talented guys and gals who like to tinker with code, which we followed with a step-by-step tut on how to solve it.

Other news

  • Paradise lost? Breach of law firm, Appleby, exposes information of the rich. And so are their tax schemes. (Source: Quartz)
  • There’s a flaw in Tor that allows user IP address to leak. This affects macOS and Linux users. (Source: Computing)
  • Proofpoint reveals a multi-prong attack against Android users, wherein users are first faced with a phishing campaign, and then convinces users to install malware, then finally attempted to steal card details. (Source: InfoSecurity Magazine)
  • To hack back or not to hack back: this has been a longstanding debate from within and without the security industry. Keith Alexander, ex-NSA Director, weighed in on the debate, advising companies to never hack back as this might start wars. (Source: Motherboard)
  • According to a DHS testing, the Boeing 757 aircraft is found to be vulnerable to hackers. (Source: Aviation Today)
  • Companies granting a lot of admin rights to employees can actually leave them vulnerable to cyber attacks. (Source: TEISS)
  • Mozilla’s “Privacy Not Included” guide reveals gadgets and devices one might not acquire for loved ones as they can spy on them. (Source: CSO)
  • No, your Netflix account has been suspended. If you see an email saying otherwise, watch out! It’s a phishing campaign. (Source: Wired)

Safe surfing, everyone!

The post A week in security (November 6 – November 12) appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.