
Trend Micro Top Again for Breach Detection, Says NSS Labs

Credit to Author: TJ Alldridge| Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 15:13:08 +0000

In spite of a rapidly evolving landscape, data breaches remain among the most common and damaging cyber-threats facing organizations today. As digital transformation efforts take hold, so the corporate attacks surface grows, offering more opportunities for the bad guys to take aim at highly prized IP and customer data. They also have the element of surprise, putting IT teams in a reactive or defensive posture. In this context, you need a provider that’s proven to offer industry leading protection against breaches.

That’s why we’re delighted that Trend Micro Deep Discovery has been Recommended for the fourth year in a row by NSS Labs Breach Detection Systems report – scoring an unbeatable 100% detection rate.

Breaches galore

You don’t have to go back far to see the damage that data breaches can inflict on organizations and their customers. Just take a look at the fallout from the Equifax incident, which has exposed highly sensitive data on 145.5 million Americans. Already the firm is losing contracts following the breach. Industry fines, legal costs, share price losses, possible customer attrition and brand damage are also common following such incidents – raising the stakes for cybersecurity.

Many modern attacks are covert, often combining spearphishing techniques and malware designed to fly under the radar of traditional defenses. There are plenty of weaknesses for attackers to exploit: in the first six months of 2017 alone 382 new vulnerabilities were publicly disclosed via our Zero Day Initiative. Given the challenges in defending against such attacks, it’s perhaps no surprise that over the past 12 years the Identity Theft Resource Center has recorded thousands of breaches exposing over a billion records in the US.

The best you can get

That’s where Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery™ comes in. Powered by XGen™ security, it’s designed to help organizations detect, analyze, and respond to advanced malware including ransomware and targeted attacks. Deep Discovery features a range of layered cross-generational threat protection techniques including custom sandboxing, endpoint activity tracking, anti-spearphishing email analysis, and comprehensive network scanning. This multi-layered approach is what we call XGen™: optimized to apply the right technology at the right time, resulting in the highest detection rate possible.

NSS Labs proves the power and effectiveness of this layered approach with the 2017 Breach Prevention Systems report. In the category of evasions – a key way to compare solutions on the market – we scored a perfect 100%, whereas five of the seven companies appraised struggled. How did Deep Discovery do so well in the detections of evasions? Custom sandboxing. Custom sandboxing was the key driver behind our anti-evasion detection. Because the custom sandbox can mimic the exact corporate desktop the threat has no idea it is in a sandbox tricking the threat into executing in the sandbox environment allowing Deep Discovery to fully analyse the threat.


Our Connected Threat Defense approach linking up protection at the endpoint, datacenter and network layers minimizes security gaps and ensures there’s nowhere for the bad guys to hide. That represents peace of mind in an increasingly hostile online world where the cards can often seem stacked against the IT security team. With TCO dropping significantly from $240 per protected Mbps to under $40 in 2017, there are now a whole host of reasons why organizations should take a fresh look at Deep Discovery.

For more details and to download the report, please click here.