
That Extremely Racist Canadian Video Game Is Canceled

Credit to Author: Jacob Dubé| Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2017 17:08:08 +0000

Last month, Motherboard reported on a racist video game made in Canada called Dirty Chinese Restaurant, in which players manage a Chinese restaurant and either make it into a “prestigious Oriental establishment” or a “real filthy dive.” Today, developer Big-O-Tree games (pronounced like bigotry) announced that the game is not only canceled, but that it has started taking down marketing materials for the game. Bullshit averted.

In a Facebook post released Thursday, Big-O-Tree said it has “decided it was not in anyone’s best interest” to release the game, and apologized to the Chinese community.

“We would like to make a sincere and formal apology to the Chinese community and wish to assure them that this game was not created with an intentional interest of inflicting harm or malice against Chinese culture,” the post read. Its website, which previously displayed screenshots of the game displaying offensive stereotypes of the Chinese community and updates on the game, has also been taken down and replaced with the statement.

This announcement came a little more than a week after US congresswoman Grace Meng posted a takedown of the game on Twitter. “This game uses every negative and demeaning stereotype that I have ever come across as a Chinese American. How we portray people matters,” she wrote.

I’m all for people apologizing for misdeeds, especially horribly racist ones, but when a company whose name rhymes with bigotry says it didn’t mean to offend, it’s hard to be sympathetic.

Good riddance. Now let’s never speak of this again.

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