
Not the disaster recovery we were expecting

Credit to Author: Sharky| Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 03:00:00 -0700

IT pilot fish working for a city government keeps getting complaints from people in the Public Works department that something’s seriously wrong with their documents.

“The Public Works director, his assistant and another part-time employee told me that every time they make changes to a document, they have to keep re-saving their work,” says fish. “They also have to combine all of their work into yet another saved and current complete document.

“I asked the Public Works director to start at the beginning. Are you sharing this file off the server? ‘Yes,’ came his curt and snarky reply.

“OK, which file or folder is your document in? ‘It’s right here.’

“I immediately saw that the Public Works team just had read-only access to the file. They were taking someone else’s work as their own, which is why they had to keep re-saving the ‘borrowed’ document.

“After approval from the city administrator, I gave them access to the folder. Disaster averted, I guess…”

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