
SSD Advisory – IDERA Uptime Monitor Multiple Vulnerabilities

Credit to Author: SSD / Maor Schwartz| Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2017 07:23:23 +0000

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Vulnerabilities Summary
The following advisory describe three (3) vulnerabilities found in IDERA Uptime Monitor version 7.8.

“IDERA Uptime Monitor is a Proactively monitor physical servers, virtual machines, network devices, applications, and services across multiple platforms running on-premise, remotely, or in the Cloud. Uptime Infrastructure Monitor provides a unified view of IT environment health and a GUI that is easily customizable, with a drag-anddrop dashboard design. Create private IT dashboards, team dashboards (server, application, capacity and networking teams, and even the specialist practitioner such as SharePoint farm administrators, etc.), and a network operations center (NOC) for the entire datacenter in minutes.”

The vulnerabilities found are:

  • SQL Injection (1)
  • SQL Injection (2)
  • Directory Traversal and File Access

An independent security researcher has reported this vulnerability to Beyond Security’s SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program.

Vendor response
We notified IDERA about the vulnerabilities back in March 2017, repeated attempts to re-establish contact and get some answers on the status of the patch for this vulnerabilities went unanswered. At this time there is no solution or workaround for this vulnerability.

Vulnerabilities Details

SQL Injection (1)
IDERA Uptime Monitor 7.8 is affected by multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities. User controlled data is included in SQL queries made by the application without first being properly sanitized. As a result a remote unauthenticated user can inject arbitrary SQL queries into the application’s back-end database

The SQL injection vulnerability is located in “/gadgets/definitions/uptime.CapacityWhatIfGadget/getmetrics.php”:

User controlled data entering the HTTP GET parameter “element” is included as part of an SQL query that is executed if the “$query_type” variable is equal to “osperf-Mem”. Because the value of the “$query_type” variable can also be set using the HTTP GET parameter “query_type”, a user can force the application to take the vulnerable code path, and execute the tainted SQL query. Visiting the following URL on a vulnerable installation will trigger the vulnerability, and return a verbose SQL error message.

Proof of Concept

SQL Injection (2)
IDERA Uptime Monitor 7.8 is affected by multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities. User controlled data is included in SQL queries made by the application without first being properly sanitized. As a result a remote unauthenticated user can inject arbitrary SQL queries into the application’s back-end database

The vulnerability is very similar in structure to the first SQL vulnerability, and is located in “/gadgets/definitions/uptime.CapacityWhatifGadget/getxenmetrics.php”

Visiting the following URL will elicit a verbose SQL message from the vulnerable web application.

Proof of Concept

Directory Traversal and File Access
User controlled input is not sufficiently sanitized, and then passed to a function responsible for accessing the filesystem. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability enables a remote unauthenticated user to read the content of any file existing on the host, this includes files located outside of the web root folder.

The vulnerable code can be found in get2post.php file:

User controlled data entering the HTTP GET parameter “file_name” is sanitized by removing all occurrences of the “” character, and is then passed to the “file_get_contents” function. Next, then contents of the file (now in the $data variable) is printed in the application’s HTTP response.

Proof of Concept
The following HTTP GET request provides proof-of-concept that will retrieve the contents of a file named “test.txt” that exists in the root of “C:”

After executing this proof-of-concept against the vulnerable host, the following HTTP response was received containing the contents of the “test.txt” file that was placed in the root of “C:”

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