
Quick Heal will continue to support Windows Vista users

Credit to Author: Rajib Singha| Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 12:05:20 +0000

As of April 11, 2017, Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows Vista. Quick Heal, however, will continue to support this OS. Read more about this from the post below.

What does it mean for Vista users?

When we say that Windows Vista is out of support now, it does not mean that your computer will stop working. It means the following things:

  1. There will be no more security updates (patches) for Vista users. This means that your computer becomes more vulnerable to viruses, malware, and other online threats. With no security updates, attackers will misuse any security weaknesses which they can find on your computer.
  2. Newer versions of software and programs will face compatibility issues on Vista machines or will not run altogether.
  3. All Microsoft software including Internet Explorer 9 will be out of support. This means, if you surf the Internet using IE 9, you may be exposing your computer and data to threats.

What should Vista users do?

For obvious reasons, upgrading to the latest version of Windows is the best way to stay protected from viruses, malware, and online threats.

However, until you get an upgrade, a prudent step to take would be to protect your computer with an antivirus software which gives multilayered defense. Multilayered defense means any threat that tries to get into your computer will be tackled by several layers of security cutting the damage to zero or minimizing it.

Quick Heal antivirus supports Windows Vista and it protects your computer with several layers of defense:

  1. Ransomware Protection
    Detects and blocks ransomware (ransomware is a malware that encrypts your data and demands money in exchange).
  2. Web Security
    Automatically detects unsafe and potentially dangerous websites, and prevents you from visiting them.
  3. Email Security
    Blocks emails that might carry infected attachments or links to compromised or fake and phishing websites.
  4. Safe Banking
    Protects your online banking activities from fraudulent websites and malicious programs that steal financial information.
  5. Data Theft Protection
    Blocks unauthorized copying of data from your computer to unauthorized USB drives.
  6. Anti-Keylogger
    Prevents programs called keyloggers from recording what you type on your keyboard.

See the complete list of features here.

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