
Go Beyond Next Gen with XGen™ at RSA 2017

As the security world begins arriving in San Francisco for next week’s RSA Conference, there will be plenty to capture their attention. From the keynotes to a few ad hoc business meetings, RSA attendees can expect an exciting lineup of workshops and sessions aimed at answering the latest cybersecurity questions and dilemmas.

And this this year, our Trend Micro experts will be at Booth No. 1107 to demonstrate the company’s smart, optimized and connected security solutions, which are powered by XGen™ technology, and work in tandem to seamlessly defend enterprises now and in the future.

Trend Micro experts will also be presenting four sessions throughout the event. Session and speaker details:

Not UNIX to Windows Anymore: A First in a Booming Ransomware Industry

Benjamin Rivera, Trend Micro threat research and training; and Joachim Suico, Trend Micro threat research engineer

Monday, February 13, 3:15-3:45 p.m.

Moscone Center West; 2014

This session is part of a full day seminar about ransomware and its multifaceted implications across technical, policy, compliance and financial response. Sessions throughout the day will discuss innovative research, present case studies on response and recovery to ransomware, explore combatting ransomware and debate if—and when—you should pay the ransom.

Profiling Exposed Cyber Infrastructure in Cities in the United States

Numaan Huq and Stephen Hilt, Trend Micro Forward Looking Threat researchers

Wednesday, February 15, 1:30 – 2:00 p.m.

Marriott Marquis; The Sandbox – ICS Stage

The Internet of Things is connecting everything from computers, mobile devices, cars, industrial robots, home appliances and even clothing to the Internet. This session will reveal research findings on exactly why exposed cyber-infrastructure poses a serious threat to both national security and the everyday functioning of cities.

Maximum Security with Minimum Impact – Going Beyond Next Gen?

Wendy Moore, Trend Micro director of user protection

Wednesday, February 15, 1:30-2:15 p.m.

Moscone Center North; 132

New ways to protect against malware appear daily. The new techniques sound like a panacea for stopping all malware, but each technique has advantages and disadvantages. Learn about the tradeoffs of machine learning, application control; exploit prevention, and behavioral analysis and forensics, as well as how cross-generational blending of techniques can protect you against ever-evolving threats.

Securing Serverless Applications In The Cloud

Mark Nunnikhoven, Trend Micro vice president of cloud research

Thursday, February 16, 8:00 – 8:45 a.m.

Moscone Center South; 301

Serverless applications offer a number of advantages, the biggest one being freedom from a number of standard operational tasks. And while you may not need to do basic ops tasks, you still have a responsibility to keep your data safe and secure. Serverless designs require a completely new approach to development, and securing these applications requires new concepts, processes and tools.

While at the Trend Micro booth, visitors will gain in-depth knowledge about the expansion of Trend Micro’s powerful XGen™ technology to all of its solutions. XGen™ security will effectively and holistically protect an enterprise’s networks, hybrid cloud environments and endpoints from ever-evolving security risks. This technology uses a blend of cross-generational threat defense techniques fueled by market leading security intelligence that is seamlessly shared across all layers of defense.

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