
SSD Advisory – EasyIO Multiple Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability Summary

The following advisory describes three (3) vulnerabilities that allow to an attacker to gain unauthenticated remote code execution. EasyIO provides products for Building Energy Management Systems. Low costs, high energy savings.

The three vulnerabilities found in EasyIO include:

  • Unauthenticated remote code execution
  • Unauthenticated database file download
  • Authenticated directory traversal vulnerability

The vulnerability affected the following products:

  • EasyIO FG Series, FG32
  • EasyIO FG Series, FG20

An independent security researcher has reported this vulnerability to Beyond Security’s SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program.

Unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability

Vulnerable code:
The %timeout parameter lack sanity check. The $timeout parameter will be executed as input from user. an attacker can insert malicious content to the $timeout parameter and log as root

Proof of Concept

An attacker sending the following request:

Will receive from the server the following response:

Unauthenticated database file download
The database file is not protected from direct download if the “right” URL is provided, the database file includes sensitive information, usernames and passwords as well as configuration settings of the remote device.

The URL where the database is located at:

Which when accessed will return the following content when loaded into sqlite:

‘checksum’ column is created based on the user supplied password and the ‘salt’ (found in the salt column).

Authenticated directory traversal vulnerability
Vulnerable code: grdata.php

Proof of Concept

An attacker sending the following request:

Will receive from the server the following response:

Vendor Response
Unauthenticated remote code execution – This reported issue has been fixed in this week’s release (CPT tool , dated 11th Nov 2016). We have also fix all possible codes that can cause this issue.

Unauthenticated database file download – This had been fixed in previous version of FG firmware, we introduced an appweb configuration to fix this issue in around Feb, 2015. You can test this with our latest firmware or you could send this note to the person who reported this.

Authenticated directory traversal vulnerability – This has been fixed in this week’s release(CPT tool , dated 11th Nov 2016). I also fixed all possible codes that can cause this issue.