
HITCON Taiwan 2016

On the 1-2 December 2016 we had the honor for the first time to sponsor HITCON and visit Taiwan.

Our adventure started in November 30th when Noam and I landed in Taipei and we had half a day to sightseeing and set up our booth at the conference hall.

In the evening we were invited to Team T5 reception, there we saw some old friends and made some new ones. We talked about the the importance of the hacker community and how Beyond Security can support it in this era.

During the HITCON conference we had the opportunity to meet with so many great people, gave them an awesome T-shirts for free, answered their questions and provided them with information about the SSD program and how it can help them to more easily report vulnerabilities and get paid for them.


On the second day, Noam gave his lecture on “Why today’s security researchers cannot just publish vulnerabilities” and explained the problems currently present in the process of reporting vulnerabilities to vendors and why the current bug bounty programs are not offering the solution (the slides will upload soon by HITCON)


We found the whole conference experience to be amazing – it was privilege for us to be able to attend and sponsor HITCON 2016. Especially since it allowed us to be part of the ‘international’ community of security researchers.

One last thing, Noam and Yannay Livneh (a speaker of HITCON) had birthday during HITCON – Happy Birthday guys!