
Beware of the new WhatsApp scam that promises FREE internet!

Scammers never take a day off. And how do we know this? Well, they keep coming up with news ways and means to trick us. A fresh WhatsApp scam is running about and is tricking users with the promise of free Internet.

Some WhatsApp users have reported having received a message where the sender is promising free Internet service without using any Wi-Fi network. The message reads like this…

“You can already get Internet Free Without WI-FI with WhatsApp and it is by means of invitations, here I give you an invitation! > download link”

Besides being poorly written, this message is complete nonsense from a technical point of view. Without Wi-Fi, the only way you can access the Internet is through an active cellular data service (2G/3G/4G) – which is not free, unless you are using a special pack. But however nonsensical it may sound, this WhatsApp scam can manage to trick some people who might not give much thought to it.

What happens when you click on the link?
Clicking on the link displays a page where you must share the invitation to 13 friends to be able to use the free Internet. The page also flaunts comments from different users who have tried this service. All these users and comments are fake and just one more bait to push you further into the trap.

What happens when you share the invitation?
Once you have shared the ‘fake’ invitation, you will be taken to other fraudulent web pages where you might be subscribed to costly SMS services without your consent or a potentially dangerous third-party app will be downloaded on your phone.

And what’s the bottom line?
You will never get the free Internet service because it didn’t exist to start with.

Tips to avoid falling for such WhatsApp scams

  • If any app is offering you a service for free or at a low cost, ensure you verify it by visiting the app’s official website, before acting upon it.
  • Never click on links received from unknown users, especially when the message talks about free offers.
  • Install a reliable mobile antivirus app that can prevent you from reaching fraudulent or dangerous websites, and block the download of malicious apps.

If you think you might have clicked on links which are a part of such similar scams, run an antivirus app and it should clean your mobile device.

If you find this story helpful, share it with your friends.



The post Beware of the new WhatsApp scam that promises FREE internet! appeared first on Quick Heal Technologies Security Blog | Latest computer security news, tips, and advice.
