

How do I secure my social media profile?

Credit to Author: William Tsing| Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 14:00:07 +0000

Quitting social media entirely can be unrealistic, or at least seriously unfun. So it’s important to take a moment to check out account settings before you start, to make absolutely sure you’re okay with the service’s default settings.



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Verified Twitter accounts compromised, get busy spamming

Verified Twitter accounts tend to be a little more secure than those belonging to non-verified users due to the amount of extra hoop jumping required to get one of those ticks in the first place. A number of security requirements, including providing a phone number and setting up 2FA, are all things a would-be verified Twitter user needs to do. Unfortunately, things can still go wrong…



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Selfie safety: keeping your security picture perfect

Selfies! Everybody likes the odd selfie, but are you keeping good security practices in mind when setting up the shot? There are dangers both online and off. We take a look at the latest possible security issue stemming from a quick snap, along with some of the things you should (and shouldn’t) be doing when lining up your latest photo.



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