

5 questions to ask about generic pipeline operator qualification (OQ)

Credit to Author: Jeremy Kivi| Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 06:30:52 +0000

Pipeline operators are living in interesting times. With the fluctuations in the market they are forced to “do more with less”. Pair this with an aging and changing workforce and… Read more »

The post 5 questions to ask about generic pipeline operator qualification (OQ) appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

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Restricting Firefox to TLS version 1.2 makes browsing safer

Credit to Author: Michael Horowitz| Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2017 19:43:00 -0700

Although its common to think of a secure website as the opposite of an insecure one, the choice is not, in fact, binary. For a website to be truly secure, there are about a dozen or so ducks that all need to be lined up in a row.

Seeing HTTPS does not mean that the security is well done, secure websites exist in many shades of gray. Since web browsers don’t offer a dozen visual indicators, many sites that are not particularly secure appear, to all but the most techie nerds, to be secure nonetheless. Browser vendors have dumbed things down for non-techies.

Last September, I took Apple to task for not having all their ducks in a row, writing that some of their security oversights allowed Apple websites to leak passwords.

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