

Blockchain: Potenzial und Gefahr zugleich

Credit to Author: Jörg Schindler| Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2017 10:30:59 +0000

Die Blockchain-Technologie ist auf dem Vormarsch. Acht Jahre nach dem Aufkommen der Original Bitcoin Blockchain gibt es viele Bemühungen, mit den Sicherheitsvorteilen der Technologie in zahlreiche Industriezweige vorzustoßen. Doch welche Vorteile bringt diese den Usern, welche den Unternehmen? Und wie sehen neue Herausforderungen aus, die sich dadurch ergeben? Stichwort: Security Next Generation.  Zunächst einmal: Eine [&#8230;]<img alt=”” border=”0″ src=”;blog=834173&#038;post=37050&#038;subd=sophos&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1″ width=”1″ height=”1″ /><img src=”” height=”1″ width=”1″ alt=””/>

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‘Petya’ Ransomware Outbreak Goes Global

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 20:18:43 +0000

A new strain of ransomware dubbed “Petya” is worming its way around the world with alarming speed. The malware appears to be spreading using a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows that the software giant patched in March 2017 — the same bug that was exploited by the recent and prolific WannaCry ransomware strain.

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Following the Money Hobbled vDOS Attack-for-Hire Service

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2017 12:12:47 +0000

A new report proves the value of following the money in the fight against dodgy cybercrime services known as “booters” or “stressers” — virtual hired muscle that can be rented to knock nearly any website offline. Last fall, two 18-year-old Israeli men were arrested for allegedly running a vDOS, perhaps the most successful booter service of all time. The pair were detained within hours of being named in a story on this blog as the co-proprietors of the service (this site would later suffer a three-day outage as a result of an attack that was alleged to have been purchased in retribution for my reporting on vDOS). That initial vDOS story was based on data shared by an anonymous source who had hacked vDOS and obtained its private user and attack database. The story showed how the service made approximately $600,000 over just two of the four years it was in operation. Most of those profits came in the form of credit card payments via PayPal. But prior to vDOS’s takedown in September 2016, the service was already under siege thanks to work done by a group of academic researchers who teamed up with PayPal to identify and close accounts that vDOS and other booter services were using to process customer payments. The researchers found that their interventions cut profits in half for the popular booter service, and helped reduce the number of attacks coming out of it by at least 40 percent.

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Global ‘Wana’ Ransomware Outbreak Earned Perpetrators $26,000 So Far

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Sat, 13 May 2017 20:10:43 +0000

As thousands of organizations work to contain and clean up the mess from this week’s devastating Wana ransomware attack, the fraudsters responsible for releasing the digital contagion are no doubt counting their earnings and congratulating themselves on a job well done. But according to a review of the Bitcoin addresses hard-coded into Wana, it appears the perpetrators of what’s being called the worst ransomware outbreak ever have made little more than USD $26,000 so far from the scam.

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Uncovering cross-process injection with Windows Defender ATP

Credit to Author: msft-mmpc| Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2017 06:16:01 +0000

Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Windows Defender ATP) is a post-breach solution that alerts security operations (SecOps) personnel about hostile activity. As the nature of attacks evolve, Windows Defender ATP must advance so that it continues to help SecOps personnel uncover and address the attacks. With increasing security investments from Microsoft—read how Windows 10 continues to raise…

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