

Few Fortune 100 Firms List Security Pros in Their Executive Ranks

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 19:11:16 +0000

Many things have changed since 2018, such as the names of the companies in the Fortune 100 list. But one aspect of that vaunted list that hasn’t shifted much since is that very few of these companies list any security professionals within their top executive ranks. The next time you receive a breach notification letter that invariably says a company you trusted places a top priority on customer security and privacy, consider this: Only four of the Fortune 100 companies currently list a security professional in the executive leadership pages of their websites. This is actually down from five of the Fortune 100 in 2018, the last time KrebsOnSecurity performed this analysis.

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LeakedSource Owner Quit Ashley Madison a Month Before 2015 Hack

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:57:04 +0000

[This is Part III in a series on research conducted for a recent Hulu documentary on the 2015 hack of marital infidelity website] In 2019, a Canadian company called Defiant Tech Inc. pleaded guilty to running LeakedSource[.]com, a service that sold access to billions of passwords and other data exposed in countless data breaches. KrebsOnSecurity has learned that the owner of Defiant Tech, a 32-year-old Ontario man named Jordan Evan Bloom, was hired in late 2014 as a developer for the marital infidelity site Bloom resigned from AshleyMadison citing health reasons in June 2015 — less than one month before unidentified hackers stole data on 37 million users — and launched LeakedSource three months later.

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SEO Expert Hired and Fired By Ashley Madison Turned on Company, Promising Revenge

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 21:45:02 +0000

[This is Part II of a story published here last week on reporting that went into a new Hulu documentary series on the 2015 Ashley Madison hack.] It was around 9 p.m. on Sunday, July 19, when I received a message through the contact form on that the marital infidelity website had been hacked. The message contained links to confidential Ashley Madison documents, and included a manifesto that said a hacker group calling itself the Impact Team was prepared to leak data on all 37 million users unless Ashley Madison and a sister property voluntarily closed down within 30 days.

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Apple & Microsoft Patch Tuesday, July 2023 Edition

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 22:55:07 +0000

Microsoft Corp. today released software updates to quash 130 security bugs in its Windows operating systems and related software, including at least five flaws that are already seeing active exploitation. Meanwhile, Apple customers have their own zero-day woes again this month: On Monday, Apple issued (and then quickly pulled) an emergency update to fix a zero-day vulnerability that is being exploited on MacOS and iOS devices.

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Top Suspect in 2015 Ashley Madison Hack Committed Suicide in 2014

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2023 19:55:45 +0000

When the marital infidelity website learned in July 2015 that hackers were threatening to publish data stolen from 37 million users, the company’s then-CEO Noel Biderman was quick to point the finger at an unnamed former contractor. But as a new documentary series on Hulu reveals [SPOILER ALERT!], there was just one problem with that theory: Their top suspect had killed himself more than a year before the hackers began publishing stolen user data.

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Who’s Behind the DomainNetworks Snail Mail Scam?

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2023 14:56:35 +0000

If you’ve ever owned a domain name, the chances are good that at some point you’ve received a snail mail letter which appears to be a bill for a domain or website-related services. In reality, these misleading missives try to trick people into paying for useless services they never ordered, don’t need, and probably will never receive. Here’s a look at the most recent incarnation of this scam — DomainNetworks — and some clues about who may be behind it.

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Russian Cybersecurity Executive Arrested for Alleged Role in 2012 Megahacks

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 18:30:08 +0000

Nikita Kislitsin, formerly the head of network security for one of Russia’s top cybersecurity firms, was arrested last week in Kazakhstan in response to 10-year-old hacking charges from the U.S. Department of Justice. Experts say Kislitsin’s prosecution could soon put the Kazakhstan government in a sticky diplomatic position, as the Kremlin is already signaling that it intends to block his extradition to the United States.

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U.K. Cyber Thug “PlugwalkJoe” Gets 5 Years in Prison

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 19:44:03 +0000

Joseph James “PlugwalkJoe” O’Connor, a 24-year-old from the United Kingdom who earned his 15 minutes of fame by participating in the July 2020 hack of Twitter, has been sentenced to five years in a U.S. prison. That may seem like harsh punishment for a brief and very public cyber joy ride. But O’Connor also pleaded guilty in a separate investigation involving a years-long spree of cyberstalking and cryptocurrency theft enabled by “SIM swapping,” a crime wherein fraudsters trick a mobile provider into diverting a customer’s phone calls and text messages to a device they control.

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