
Team France Triumph at the Lions 10K and Half Marathon in Paris

Credit to Author: Steve Mahoney| Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 20:14:01 +0000

A team from Sophos France recently took part in the Lions Club of Rueil-Malmaison 10k and half marathon in Paris.

Sophos team members Christophe Pépin, Vanessa Clement, Michel Bihel, Ari Paluyan, Anthony Lachgar, and François Michon successfully completed the 10k, while Mohamad Hussein went on to conquer the half marathon!

This year, profits from the race will be given to the foundation of the Lions Club of France to partially fund the “Da Vinci” robot in the Robert Debré hospital. The surgical robot will enable operations that cannot be completed by traditional surgery.

Well done team on a fantastic effort!