
This Week in Security News: February 2020 Patch Tuesday Update and Misconfigured AWS S3 Bucket Leaks 36,000 Inmate Records

Credit to Author: Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)| Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 13:57:34 +0000

week in security

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about the more than 140 February Patch Tuesday updates from Microsoft and Adobe. Also, read about how an unsecured and unencrypted Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket was found leaking 36,077 inmate records in several U.S. states.

Read on:

February 2020 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft Fixes 99 Vulnerabilities, Adobe 42

This week, patches from Microsoft and Adobe for February were announced. Microsoft released fixes for 99 vulnerabilities – 12 critical, one of which is being exploited in the wild – and Adobe released fixes for 42, most of which are critical, and none actively exploited.

How to Manage Your Privacy On and Off Facebook

Where on Facebook is your privacy most at risk and what can you do to mange these risks? Although Facebook has taken steps to offer users tools to manage their data, such as their recent broad launch of their Off-Facebook Activity tool, they are not always easy to find. This blog from Trend Micro serves as a guide on how to protect your privacy on Facebook.

Emotet Malware Now Hacks Nearby Wi-Fi Networks to Infect New Victims

Emotet, the notorious trojan behind several botnet-driven spam campaigns and ransomware attacks, has found a new attack vector: using already-infected devices to identify new victims that are connected to nearby Wi-Fi networks. According to researchers at Binary Defense, the newly discovered Emotet sample leverages a “Wi-Fi spreader” module to scan Wi-Fi networks, and then attempts to infect devices that are connected to them.

Outlaw Updates Kit to Kill Older Miner Versions, Targets More Systems

Trend Micro discovered that the hacking group Outlaw has been busy developing their toolkit for illicit income sources. While they had been quiet since Trend Micro’s analysis in June, there was an increase in the group’s activities in December, with updates on the kits’ capabilities reminiscent of their previous attacks.

Irving Security Company Spun Out of Trend Micro Lands $26M in Funding

Cysiv announced this week the close of a $26 million Series A financing led by ForgePoint Capital, a top tier venture capital firm that invests in transformative cybersecurity companies. Trend Forward Capital has been actively backing Cysiv and is also participating in this financing. Proceeds will be used to scale business operations and fuel further platform enhancements.

Trickbot, Emotet Use Text About Trump to Evade Detection

Threat actors have been using text from news articles about U.S. President Donald Trump to make malware undetectable. Trickbot samples employing this technique were recently found, while Trend Micro researchers detected Emotet samples using the same method.

Puerto Rico Gov Hit By $2.6M Phishing Scam

According to reports, an email-based phishing scam hit Puerto Rico’s Industrial Development Company, which is a government-owned corporation aimed at driving economic development to the island along with local and foreign investors. The scam email alleged a change to a banking account tied to remittance payments, which is a transfer of money (often by a foreign worker) to an individual in their home country.

Malicious Spam Campaign Targets South Korean Users

The spam campaign, detected by Trend Micro researchers, utilizes attachments compressed through ALZip, an archive and compression tool widely used in South Korea. When decompressed, the attachment is revealed to contain two executable (.EXE) files that carry the information stealer TrojanSpy.

Google Removes 500+ Malicious Chrome Extensions from the Web Store

Google has removed more than 500 malicious Chrome extensions from its official Web Store following a two-month long investigation conducted by security researcher Jamila Kaya and Cisco’s Duo Security team. The removed extensions operated by injecting malicious ads (malvertising) inside users’ browsing sessions.

Dynamic Challenges to Threat Detection and Endpoint Security — and How to Overcome Them

As a result of great technological advancements, our environments are steadily changing. Now more than ever, individuals and organizations rely on technology to make life more dynamic. This reliance on technology and the consequent expanding attack surface are what cybercriminals bank on as they create threats that are meant to trick users and organizations. In this blog, learn how to step up your threat detection and endpoint security.

YouTube, Twitter Hunt Down Deepfakes

YouTube and Twitter have taken measures to clamp down on synthetic and manipulated media, including deepfakes. Deepfakes are media (images, audio, video, etc.) synthetically generated through artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), which have been exploited in adult videos and propaganda using the faces and voices of unwitting celebrities, politicians, and other well-known figures.

Misconfigured AWS S3 Bucket Leaks 36,000 Inmate Records

An unsecured and unencrypted Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket was found leaking 36,077 records belonging to inmates of correctional facilities in several U.S. states. The leak, which was discovered by vpnMentor, exposed personally identifiable information (PII), prescription records and details of inmates’ daily activities.

An In-Depth Technical Analysis of CurveBall (CVE-2020-0601)

CVE-2020-0601 is a vulnerability that was discovered by the National Security Agency (NSA) and affects how cryptographic certificates are verified by one of the core cryptography libraries in Windows that make up part of the CryptoAPI system. Dubbed CurveBall or “Chain of Fools,” an attacker exploiting this vulnerability could create their own cryptographic certificates that appear to originate from a legitimate certificate that is trusted by Windows by default.

In your opinion, what was the most noteworthy patch from this month’s update? Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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