
Trend Micro launches Trend Micro Cloud One™, a leading security services platform for cloud builders

Credit to Author: Trend Micro| Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 15:45:42 +0000

Everything you need for cloud security


Today, Trend Micro is excited to announce the launch of Trend Micro Cloud One™, our new security services platform for cloud builders. This powerful new platform will help our customers simplify their hybrid and multi-cloud security.


Cloud One gives you the total package for cloud security. Comprised of six cloud security services, we can address workload, container, file object storage, serverless and application, and network security, along with security posture management.


No matter where you are in your cloud journey, Cloud One has you covered with the broadest and deepest solutions, and is designed to:

  • Work across code pipelines and cloud operations
  • Integrate with multiple cloud providers, such as AWS, Microsoft® Azure™, and Google Cloud Platform™, as well as data centers
  • Provide security for DevOps teams, who release frequently and continuously to market, with complete automation through a single set of APIs.


Making Trend Micro the obvious choice when it comes to comprehensive cloud security.


We’ve taken on the storm in the cloud


Customers are experiencing the perfect storm when it comes to securing what they are building in the cloud.


Organizations are rapidly adopting cloud infrastructure services, and the number of teams within an organization who are using the cloud, making cloud infrastructure choices, and security decisions continues to grow as individual teams and business units bypass IT. Making matters more complicated is the resulting explosion of security tools across the organization, as point products are used for every different type of infrastructure, like workloads, containers and serverless.  All of this introduces complexity and risk to the organization.


Cloud One is intentionally designed to help your business meet its cloud security objectives, without introducing friction or slowing you down. With Cloud One, we created a solution that evolves with the shifting technology landscape. And because it’s a single platform with multiple security services, it helps with operational simplicity by providing:

  • Single sign-on
  • Common user and cloud account enrollment
  • A single place for visibility
  • Common procurement and billing

Tackling the storm outside your organization


Beyond the internal factors of your organization, there are two other driving forces making cloud security complex: More demanding compliance requirements and new vectors for breaches.


Compliance has become headline worthy, and modern legislation, like GDPR, is proving to have teeth. Many organizations are no longer considering compliance to be the gold standard and recognize that threat and breach vectors are advancing and growing faster than regulations can keep up. Organizations are going beyond the minimally compliant approach and looking for the best cloud security, however, this can be a lot to take on.


Trend Micro has been helping customers secure cloud transformations since the birth of the cloud. With Cloud One, we are continuing to evolve our solutions to shift with the direction of the cloud and meet the needs of our customers.


Solving customer problems with simplicity


We work to ensure that our solutions are optimized for the cloud. Making them efficient from a resource and user perspective, allows us to address the three drivers for cloud security priorities.


  1. Cloud migration
  2. Modern application delivery
  3. Cloud operational excellence


Cloud migration is still a pressing issue for many organizations as they continue to balance and secure physical, virtual, and cloud environments efficiently.


Cloud-native application delivery is all about releasing code fast and often. This speed is made possible by shifting to DevOps processes and deployment models that leverage the cloud for storage and workloads, as well as new compute models, like containers and serverless.


Cloud operational excellence is a key priority in most organizations, with many creating cloud centers of excellence (CCoE).  Organizations making this move are focused on making cloud architectures repeatable and consistent, and are looking to optimize cost and performance.


What makes these drivers interesting is that they aren’t discrete within organizations, one customer could have all three cloud security drivers occurring at once and another could just have one. This is why Cloud One is so unique. It can help both of those organizations by providing security that fits their needs at the broadest and deepest level. We cover it all and keep it simple.


Trend Micro is the only cloud security services provider to offer all of these security services for cloud builders, all in one unified platform. To put it simply, Cloud One is everything you need to build securely.


Learn more about Cloud One and how it can simplify cloud security,

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