
IOT platform Ecostruxure ADMS supports CPFL in Operation Management

Credit to Author: Jose Angel Rios Blanco| Date: Mon, 27 May 2019 09:14:46 +0000

CPFL is the Brazilian distribution company with the best operational indicators and quality of service in Brazil, recognized for its operational excellence, efficiency and customer service.

EcoStruxure ADMS

Ecostruxure ADMS supports CPFL to cover the following objectives:

  • Standardization of the operation processes of the distribution network and associated applications and technical assistance for the entire group of distributors of CPFL.
  • Levels of productivity and operative efficiency that allow improving the performance and quality indicators.
  • The integration of the different business processes through a single platform: the operation of high and medium voltage networks and the management of cuts
  • Support advanced features to meet the challenges of implementing Smart Grids.
  • Minimization of customizations and adaptations of commercial software aimed at reducing maintenance costs and the risks of the solution environment.
  • Increase proactive actions for greater robustness of the electrical system.
  • Increase the security of the maneuvers in the network and improve cybersecurity.
  • To obtain improvements in the quality indexes in relation to the regulatory disposition.

EcoStruxure ADMS

Read more about this project here.

The post IOT platform Ecostruxure ADMS supports CPFL in Operation Management appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.