
This Week in Security News: IoT Threats and Risks

Credit to Author: Cara West-Wainwright| Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2019 15:00:00 +0000

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about the threats and risks to complex IoT environments. Also, learn about new security challenges and risks the food production industry faces.

Read on:

Securing Smart Homes and Buildings: Threats and Risks to Complex IoT Environments

The evolution of smart homes and smart buildings into complex IoT environments reflects the continuing developments in home and industrial automation and means new threats and risks. 

Cultivating Security in the Food Production Industry: Nipping IoT Risks and Threats in the Bud

In the food production industry, high-tech tools and systems are being used to optimize production conditions. But new technology brings new challenges and risks. 

Shifting Strategies: Using Social Media, SEO in Tech Support Scams

Trend Micro observed several tech support scams being promoted in different social media platforms. These scams attempt to obtain personally identifiable information or charge victims for their “services.” 

RSA Conference 2019: The Sky’s the Limit For Satellite Hacks

As more satellites go up, antenna equipment becomes cheaper, and engineers don’t uphold information security principals, satellites are becoming a lucrative target for threat actors. 

UPnP-enabled Connected Devices in the Home and Unpatched Known Vulnerabilities

The hackers behind the cyber-attack of YouTuber PewDiePie’s channel reportedly took advantage of poorly configured routers that had the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) service enabled. 

Enterprises Faced Over 8 Million High-Risk Email Threats in 2018 Alone

Trend Micro released its 2018 Cloud App Security Report and discovered that enterprises faced over 8 million high-risk email threats in 2018 alone—a significant increase over 2017.

Exposed IoT Automation Servers and Cybercrime

Trend Micro tested possible threat scenarios against complex IoT environments such as in smart homes and smart buildings and also looked into exposed automation platforms or servers.

NSA Puts ‘Ghidra,’ Its Reverse-Engineering Tool for Malware, in the Hands of the Public

After years lurking in the shadows, the National Security Agency has open-sourced their software for reverse-engineering malware to anyone with an internet connection in hopes of leading to collaborative improvements to the tool.

Trend Micro Cloud App Security Report 2018: Advanced Defenses for Advanced Email Threats

To provide organizations a comprehensive view of the email threat landscape, Trend Micro looked at notable occurrences of advanced email threats as well as advanced security techniques.

Huawei Opens a Cybersecurity Transparency Center in the Heart of Europe

5G kit maker Huawei opened a Cyber Security Transparency center in Brussels as the Chinese tech giant continues to try to neutralize suspicion in Western markets that its networking gear could be used for espionage by the Chinese state.

2018 Mobile Threat Landscape

Trend Micro looked back at 2018’s mobile threat landscape to see the possible threats that lie ahead and help users and organizations proactively defend against them.

Did any of the threats and risks of complex IoT environments or the food industry surprise you? Why or why not? Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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