
Water Security: The Role of SCADA Systems

Credit to Author: Atin Chhabra| Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 12:15:10 +0000

Water security is a major issue that needs to be addressed on a priority basis. With the rapid transformation of technology, we have to see how it can be useful for varied industries and how it can help in securing the system of water consumption and preservation.

Before talking about the role of SCADA in the water security systems, let us understand what SCADA system actually is, to begin with. It’s an acronym that stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition, and serves as a monitoring system which constantly supervises all areas of that particular sector. The system is quick and effective, with immediate reporting of any unusual actions or security breaches. Therefore, it eliminates all the efforts involved in performing regular patrolling and checks. Industries where SCADA is used on a daily basis are mainly electronics, oils and gases and water. In all these industries, the types of equipment need to be closely monitored and carefully controlled automatically to avoid any confusions. SCADA systems can collect data from sensors as well as send control signals back to the equipment being monitored. This is called the human-machine interaction system, or HMI, which helps in graphic communication between humans and machine.

Water companies can leverage SCADA systems in a lot of ways. They can analyse the capacity of water being used, along with the amount which is wasted. The system can also immediately supervise the areas where water is being drained.

A SCADA system linked to perimeter monitoring devices can reduce or eliminate the need for manned patrols. One does not have to visit the water management site to find out how much water is being utilised. Therefore it can help in constantly monitoring certain places where water is being supplied. Security systems or equipment, such as video cameras, motion detectors, contact switches, keypad entry devices, and card readers, are all used to keep a check on and collect data.

To get a basic understanding of SCADA systems, let’s take an example of agricultural fields. We all know about the sheer volume of water that goes into the irrigation of particular crops. What farmers might not be aware about is the fact that they can save their time and crops from any lasting damage with the help of the SCADA system. It will reduce their constant patrolling while also allowing them to save on the amount of water utilised in the irrigation process. This application of the SCADA system in agriculture can already be witnessed in the United States, where it has pretty much become the norm.

In conclusion, various industries that are heavily dependent on water require SCADA systems of security purposes. Just like humans, industries like food and clothing cannot survive without the utilisation of water. For that matter, even the agriculture industry should also start implanting the SCADA system on the field as soon as possible to streamline processes.

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