
How to choose the right threat intelligent services

Credit to Author: Kailash Singh| Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 14:01:00 +0000

There was a time, in the not too distant past when the choice of a threat intelligence service was restricted to a handful of providers. We don’t live in that world anymore. Recently, the increasing complexity of threats in the modern cyber landscape have given rise to a plethora of threat intelligence vendors, each offering a host of different services. An extensive and competitive market with innumerable, byzantine options can make choosing the right solution for your organization’s needs, both confusing and extremely frustrating. That is what Forrester seeks to address through a recently released report on external threat intelligence, titled The Forrester New Wave™: External Threat Intelligence Services, Q3 2018

According to Forrester, enterprise-level organizations (1,000 employees or more) subscribe to an average of 4.2 commercial threat intelligence feeds. Forrester, one of the world’s top independent research firms, in its latest report on threat intelligence seeks to provide buyers with the right information in their quest to choosing the vendor that is a good fit for them in the TI marketplace.

In this evaluation, Forrester identifies 15 top vendors within the external threat intelligence space using a comprehensive and robust analysis intended to allow security professionals to make well-informed decisions without the need to spend months researching the marketplace. The report uses transparent criteria to develop a detailed analysis of each vendor’s TI services letting decision-makers compare the vendors based on their own requirements.

A non-convoluted and distinct methodology (more details can be found at the Forrester Wave methodology guide) used in this case simplifies the process for readers to shortlist vendors based on performance and their own custom requirements. The firm evaluated Kaspersky Lab to be a “Strong Performer” with six “Differentiated” offerings (among the most received by evaluated vendors).

Source: The Forrester New Wave™: External Threat Intelligence Services, Q3 2018

Source: The Forrester New Wave™: External Threat Intelligence Services, Q3 2018

Forrester calls Kaspersky Lab’s ability to collect and analyze information to be “exceptional” in the report. The firm also recognizes the capabilities of the GReAT (Kaspersky Global Research and Analysis Team) which is a specialized team of experts conducting research in more than 18 languages. Forrester acknowledges the need to have a broader perspective that is independent of just western sources, calling Kaspersky Lab to be the “best” for nation-state intel that is not necessarily aligned with western governments. Finally, Kaspersky Lab’s clients greatly appreciate the company’s global reach with the ability to monitor and locate threats in all parts of the world.

With threats becoming increasingly complex and malicious, it is imperative that organizations arm themselves with a broad array of countermeasures to deflect impending attacks. Choosing a threat intelligence vendor in 2018 shouldn’t require a herculean effort, especially when resources to identify them are widely available. The Forrester report is among the best available resources for security professionals to analyze vendor capabilities across a wide variety of services, in order to make informed decisions. There may be no silver bullet in cyber-security, but when it comes to combating zero-days and APTs, a reliable threat intelligence service can make all the difference.

Click here to access the full report including the wave graphic.

For more information about our services, please visit Kaspersky Threat Intelligence webpage.
