
Top 10 security steps in Microsoft 365 that political campaigns can take today

Credit to Author: toddvanderark| Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2018 16:00:18 +0000

The increasing frequency of cyberattacks make clear that more must be done to protect key democratic institutions from cyber-enabled interference. Withjust a fewweeks left before theU.S.midtermelections and early voting under way,campaignsmust stay vigilant in protecting against cyberattacks to their online collaboration tools, including email.Microsoft recommendstaking action today to protect against phishing, malware,account compromise, and other threatsseeTop 10 ways to secure Office 365 and Microsoft 365 Business plans from cyberthreats.These recommendations are tailored for small to mid-sized political campaigns and election-focused stakeholders usingOffice 365or Microsoft 365. Any organizationespecially those without full-time IT security staffcan benefit fromtaking these actions.

This guidanceprovidesstep-by-step instructions forusing10 high-impact securitycapabilities.Theseactions help you implement many of the best practicesrecommended intheCybersecurity Campaign Playbook,created by the Defending Digital Democracy program at Harvard Kennedy SchoolsBelferCenter for Science and International Affairs.

Top 10cybersecurityrecommendations:

  1. Setuptwo-stepverification forall staff.
  2. Traincampaign staff to quickly identify phishing attacks.
  3. Use dedicated accountsfor administration.
  4. Raise the level of malware protection in mail.
  5. Protect against ransomware.
  6. Preventemailsauto-forwardingoutside of the campaign.
  7. Increase encryptionfor sensitive emails.
  8. Protect your email from phishing attacks.
  9. Protect against malicious attachments in email.
  10. Protect against phishing attacksthat includemalicious website links in email or other files.

Read Top 10 ways to secure Office 365 and Microsoft 365 Business plans from cyberthreatsfor details on how to implement each action.

These recommendations are provided as part of Microsofts ongoing commitment to theDefending Democracy Program. Qualifying organizations using Office 365 can also take advantage ofMicrosoftAccountGuardfor additional protectionto leverageMicrosoftsstate-of-the-artthreatdetectionand notification in case of targeted nation-state cyberattacks.

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