
The importance of network connectivity in home automation

Credit to Author: Atin Chhabra| Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 16:05:56 +0000

Technological applications are at an all-time high – anyone in today’s day-and-age knows exactly what we’re talking about when we make this statement. It’s genuinely amazing to witness the prevalence of modern technology and how it is affecting us in our day-to-day lives. This has reached a point where it has become close to impossible to even think about a world which isn’t technologically advanced.

Facilitating such an environment has helped propel the notion of home automation becoming the norm in today’s day-and-age. However, to say that this form of technology will become universal in the coming years is an incredibly short-sighted statement to make – the fact of the matter is that there are still many forms of technology that need to become commonplace before one can even think that home automation can become a universally applicable form of technology.

To meet these challenges, the concept of network connectivity can play a major role. Making sure that all the processes involved in this form of technology are connected for the most part, it will be made possible to facilitate a higher degree of control over one’s domicile among the general populace. After all, it’s through the utilisation of machine learning that these processes will understand their level of co-dependency, which will help them know precisely what tweaks need to be made so that these processes can be adequately optimised. To put this notion into context, here are some ways in which the technology of network connectivity is essential when it comes to propagating the notion of home automation in the general populace:

Reduction of overall costs

An immense benefit that can be enjoyed through the integration of network connectivity to facilitate greater home control is that one can help generate a higher level of savings across all fronts. Smart panels are a great example of how this technology is utilised – basically, instead of manually having to track the overall level of power that has been consumed over a time period, these smart panels collect all the data generated in real-time. This data is then displayed to the consumer, who can map out their overall energy consumption and understand how exactly they can eliminate any unnecessary costs.

A greater level of control

It’s an implied benefit that allowing multiple processes to seamlessly connect with each other will ultimately enable a higher degree of control over these operations, no matter how big or small its scale might be. Thus, the objective of power management will become easier to propagate with this increased level of control across all verticals.

Improved M2M

Machine-to-machine communication is one of the most significant pioneering technologies of the modern age that is growing at a pretty fast rate. Utilising network connectivity effectively and efficiently will go a long way in ensuring that the technology of M2M is propagated across multiple industries and verticals in the modern age.

The points mentioned above make it clear that adopting the technology of network connectivity and moulding it into the existing advanced process controls will help immensely when it comes to eliminating any challenges involved in making home automation technology the norm in society.

The post The importance of network connectivity in home automation appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.