
Kaspersky Security Cloud — Free, your guardian angel in the digital world

Credit to Author: Marvin the Robot| Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2018 12:05:02 +0000

Spending a lot of time online? Who isn’t! Staying in touch on three devices at the same time? Who doesn’t! Scanning the headlines before you even wake up? Can’t even go to the bathroom without your smartphone?

Been there, done that as well. And we designed our new Kaspersky Security Cloud specifically to make life easier for the likes of us.

No, it’s not an antivirus utility — well, it includes antivirus protection, but it’s a lot more than that. Kaspersky Security Cloud analyzes your behavior and places a soft cushion where you might fall. Digitally speaking, of course.

It’s sort of a personal guardian angel (or a personal security department, if you prefer). For those who prefer not to pay for software if they can avoid it, we offer a completely free version: Kaspersky Security Cloud — Free.

Kaspersky Security Cloud — Free is a completely new solution; the first version was released in July 2018. For those already acquainted with Kaspersky Lab’s products, we can say this: Kaspersky Security Cloud — Free is our most powerful free application. It does everything our renowned Kaspersky Free antivirus does, and more.

Free antivirus, improved

Let’s start with new security features. Kaspersky Security Cloud — Free for Windows includes three major additions (and a whole bunch of smaller ones).

  • System Watcher performs behavioral analysis and blocks even unknown threats based on their behavior. For example, if an application tries to encrypt too many files at the same time, it is likely ransomware and shouldn’t be permitted to do anything. System Watcher blocks such activity and rolls back changes made by malware. System Watcher used to be offered only as part of our premium solutions, but now it’s an integral component of Kaspersky Security Cloud Free.
  • Automatic Exploit Prevention is another behavioral component. It’s responsible for protection against malware that exploits vulnerabilities in popular applications and platforms (Java, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Acrobat, Internet browsers, etc.) Most computers have these applications installed, and many bugs are found in them on a regular basis. Malefactors and hackers use these vulnerabilities to install and launch malware with the help of special programs called exploits on computers of users who don’t keep their software updated. Automatic Exploit Prevention can detect such attempts to exploit vulnerabilities by recognizing typical behavioral patterns and block them.
  • Anti-Blocker, as the name implies, protects devices from Trojan blockers, a type of malware that doesn’t encrypt files but rather blocks the entire computer and demands ransom. Even if such malware manages to find its way into the system, Anti-Blocker will help your device bypass the block and delete the malware.

These three major additions complement the reliable antivirus engine and the useful functions such as antiphishing, e-mail antivirus, Web antivirus, and secure on-screen keyboard that are already part of our free security solution, Kaspersky Free.

Overall, in terms of of protection against malware, Kaspersky Security Cloud — Free is a significant improvement over the last year’s version of our Kaspersky Free Anti-virus, which has gained user trust all over the world. But Kaspersky Security Cloud is a lot more than an antivirus, which becomes obvious even when you use the free version.

What else does it offer?

We’ve already described Kaspersky Security Cloud and adaptive security scenarios in another post. The free version does include fewer functions and scenarios than the paid one, of course, but it still offers quite a few of them. Thanks to them, the security service recommends certain functions precisely when you need them.

For example, when you create a new social account, if your password’s too simple and could easily be cracked by hackers, Kaspersky Security Cloud — Free will warn and advise. It’s up to you whether you follow the advice, and you can even turn off the feature altogether, but the most important thing is that you understand any risks you decide to take.

Another example: An online service you use has leaked account data, including yours. In that case, Kaspersky Security Cloud — Free will warn you that you need to change your password. And another: Your torrent client has a dangerous vulnerability. Then you’ll get a message that you need to install a newer, patched version of the program.

If you use an unsafe Wi-Fi network where your data can be intercepted, the system will suggest that you turn on a VPN to encrypt all of the data you send.

And if the e-mail address you use as a username for My Kaspersky turns up in a database of leaked accounts, you’ll hear about that immediately.

On Android devices, Kaspersky Security Cloud — Free will make sure that you don’t unexpectedly run your battery down. The security service will warn you of any excessive energy usage to make sure you aren’t left without communications and other important smartphone functions.

Another useful function for Android devices is that the service can analyze the apps you are using and suggest that you delete the ones you’re not to save storage on the phone (as well as prevent the phone from being exposed to additional risks).

Where to download Kaspersky Security Cloud Free

You may download the free version of Kaspersky Security Cloud from our website. The free license works on up to three devices, and it doesn’t matter if they are Android phones or tablets, iPhones, or Windows computers. We do not currently offer a free version for macOS.

If you feel like you need the features of the paid version or you would like to secure more devices, you may always obtain a license from within the app itself. That can be a personal license (Kaspersky Security Cloud Personal) or a family license (Kaspersky Security Cloud Family).
