
Hack2Win eXtreme Warm Up

Credit to Author: SSD / Noam Rathaus| Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2018 10:55:25 +0000

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Hack2Win eXtreme

In our upcoming Hack2Win eXtreme event in Hong Kong we will be asking contest participants to come and try their skills breaking into devices and software, showing their abilities in finding vulnerabilities in iOS and Android, as well as in Chrome and Firefox.

In preparation for the event, we are launching a “warm up” event where the target is different from the above devices and software. The event will be open to anyone who wants to participate, and will be open until the 19th of September (inclusive).

The target for this Hack2Win eXtreme warm-up will be Adobe Reader on Android, and the goal is to get it to run arbitrary code when a PDF file is opened.

An award prize of 30,000$ USD will be given to any person (up to 5 winners) that is able to provide a PDF file which is opened from either the local storage (on the Android device) or accessed through a URL being typed into a browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc), where that the PDF is able to:

  • Get code execution, which is able to do either:
    • Write an arbitrary file to the data folder of the Adobe Reader
    • Run /bin/bash – which should be visible when you run ‘ps’ on the Android OS

In addition, the vulnerability should be in Adobe Reader and not in some external application that can be launched from within Adobe Reader; it should not require any interaction beyond opening the file (e.g. clicking on popups or a confirmation dialog after the PDF is opened will not be considered a code execution vulnerability).

How to submit?
The submission process will be the same as any other vulnerability that being submitted to us, please refer to Submission Process page for more details.

Contest Deadline
Once we have reached the deadline (19th of September) or receive 5 valid submissions, we will no longer accept additional submissions. We will announce this on this blog page as well as on our @SecuriTeam_SSD twitter account.

The Hack2Win eXtreme is open for registration to anyone who is 18 years of age or older at the time of submission – excluding anyone working for Adobe. Also excluded are Beyond Security employees and any of its affiliates.

Winner Selection
The first 5 (five) submissions received will be selected, according to the email timestamp. Only complete and working submissions will be considered. If a submission does not work you will be asked to provide a working version – the submission date will be the date the working version was sent to Beyond Security.

Vulnerabilities and exploit techniques revealed by contest winners will be disclosed to Adobe and the exploits and whitepapers will be the property of Beyond Security. The original finder of the vulnerability will receive credit (or remain anonymous if he/she wishes to remain anonymous) for the vulnerabilities, the whitepaper and the disclosure.

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