
This Week in Security News: Macs, Hacks and Attacks

Credit to Author: Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)| Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 13:30:33 +0000

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, GitHub was hacked via their official account with cryptocurrency Sycoin. Also, a phishing attack targeting trustee company HealthEquity led to the release of 23,000 Subscribers’ PHI.

Read on to learn more.


Trend Micro a Leader in Forrester Wave Endpoint Security Report

The results of the 2018 Forrester Wave are in and this year Trend Micro has performed exceptionally well. Trend Micro placed highest and was one of two vendors that had a perfect score on strategy. 

Can Your Managed Detection and Response Service Do This?

Trend Micro has recently introduced its Managed Detection and Response Service to North America. 

Scan QR Codes Safely with the Trend Micro QR Scanner

Trend Micro’s free QR Scanner for Android (and for iOS), lets you scan QR codes easily and safely.

Is My Mac Secure from Malware and Viruses?

Macs have historically not been targeted by hackers as frequently as Windows systems because there were fewer to attack, so it didn’t make financial sense for the bad guys. As Macs become more popular, cyber-criminals are increasingly turning their attention towards the platform.

Senate Bill Boosts Homeland Security Cyber Funding

The Homeland Security Department would receive an $86 million boost in cybersecurity money over the Trump administration’s request in a funding bill forwarded by a Senate Appropriations panel Tuesday.

North American Malware Trends: Taking a Proactive Approach to Modern Threats

To help IT teams decide where their points of focus should be to create an effective security strategy, we took a look at data based on the Trend Micro™ Smart Protection Network™ in the first quarter of 2018.

Time for Silicon Valley To Get Behind a National Privacy Law

CEO of, Marc Benioff, writes about how it’s time for data regulation in the technology industry.

GitHub Hacked, Spreads Malicious Syscoin Windows Installers

Syscoin announced that the official release of Syscoin was compromised from June 9, 2018 to June 13, 2018, after an “Unknown Publisher” hacked into Syscoin’s legitimate GitHub account.

Trend Micro Moves to Secure Container Images

As the number of organizations that are embracing containers continues to increase, Trend Micro, as has begun offering a Deep Security Smart Check module.

Phishing Attack Leads to HealthEquity Breach, Compromises 23,000 Subscribers’ PHI

Health savings trustee company HealthEquity announced that a phishing attack led to a data breach that exposed the personal healthcare information (PHI) of an estimated 23,000 subscribers.

Google to Fix Location Data Leak in Google Home, Chromecast

In the upcoming weeks, Google is expected to fix a location privacy leak in two of its most popular consumer products.

Is your Mac computer secure against cyberattacks? Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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