
Launched! Video Series on Data Center Operations Best Practices

Credit to Author: Abby Gabriel| Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2018 15:00:00 +0000

According to The Uptime Institute, 70 percent of data center downtime can be attributed to human error. As data center operations take on increasing levels of complexity, even experts who have worked in data center environments for many years need to update their best practices to avoid instances of downtime.

At Schneider Electric, we think it is important to share our extensive knowledge of data center physical infrastructure systems (by education and innovation) to help data center uptime be maximized. One of our essential vehicles for delivering this information is a team of experts, we call the Data Center Science Center (DCSC).

PUE Calculator

Over the last 10 years, millions of DCSC-authored white papers have been downloaded by customers, partners, consultants and students to better inform themselves regarding the intricacies of data center reliability, availability, power, cooling, operational management and energy management.

In addition to white papers, the DCSC team develops dozens of Tradeoff tools (single screen innovative calculators that provide answers to data center planning and design questions surrounding energy efficiency, capacity planning, backup power configurations, capital costs, operational costs, and other practical topics) and reference designs (a library of pre-built data center designs that feature different voltages, power densities, sizes, and redundancy combinations to help customers save time and money when deploying data centers).

Data Center Video Series “Meet the Expert” Delivers Quick Concept Overviews

To further diversify the availability of our data center physical infrastructure knowledge and expertise, we’ve launched a Meet the Experts video series; check it out on our Data Center Science Center playlist on YouTube. (You’ll also find a “10 Minute Insights” video series which provides deeper analyses on data center trends and topics in the industry). The experts consist of members of our DCSC team whose mission it is to educate customers and partners. This team of senior engineers is focused on data center operational best practices and often serve in an advisory role to data center design informational content (like cooling, power distribution, systems management and other subjects) critical to the safe and efficient operation of high availability data centers.

The videos share key concepts derived from our white papers, Tradeoff tools, and reference designs. These engaging, relevant videos provide viewers with proven examples of how to cut costs, optimize performance, and drive operational efficiencies.

Below is the lineup of topics that this video series addresses:

Maintenance and operations – Are you equipped to handle a call that comes in the middle of the night that the data center is experiencing a problem? Do you have instant visibility to your assets? What kinds of support mechanisms will kick in? Know what tools are best to have accessible in the event of potential downtime threatening your data center.

Cooling performance – Cooling is one of the biggest data center cost drivers. Lack of CRAC and CRAH coordination can drive up power usage effectiveness (PUE) numbers and, as a consequence, power efficiency goes out the window. Gain practical advice for better controlling both cooling supply and humidity levels.

Data center resiliency – The world depends on IT systems now more than ever. The infrastructure behind the IT needs to be robust. Solutions that were fine just a few years ago, may now be inadequate for today’s hybrid data centers. Understand how to best assure high availability of data center systems.

Rack-ready infrastructures – A great way to accrue savings when installing upgraded data center IT systems is to provide a rack-ready infrastructure that is fast to implement and flexible enough to support an environment of constant change. Learn how modern pod infrastructures can reduce costs and increase deployment speeds.

Access Data Center Management Resources

For more information, visit our Data Center Science Center YouTube playlist, White Paper Library online, or download the white paper app on Google Play Store (search for “Schneider Electric White Papers”).

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