
Industrial UPS vs. Standard UPS: Fundamental differences of Back UPS Technology

Credit to Author: Atin Chhabra| Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2018 09:10:25 +0000

Irregular power supply is a significant risk faced in the manufacturing industry. An Uninterruptible Power Supply service or UPS secures the industrial cycle by providing a regular flow of electricity and avoids any fatalities, disruptions, or data loss. Interrupted power leads to a substantial loss of time and effort, until the machinery in question is finally restarted. Back-UPS with capacities of 5 to 150 kVA have been available for almost 40 years, and the market continues to grow at a 12% annual rate as businesses and the industry in general become more dependent on the continuous flow of clean and reliable power.

The power or electricity requirement of a corporate office is different from that of the production unit. Similarly, with the varying scale of these production units, the throughput for each production plant is different. Industries need to deal with more harsh requirements and fluctuations. Therefore, it’s a must for devices to have reliable power factor correction. This has mandated the need to understand the fundamental difference between Standard UPS and Industrial UPS. Some of the differences to consider while choosing a UPS are as follows:

  1. Physical condition – The environmental conditions in which the UPS system functions should always be taken into consideration. For industries like the Oil & Gas sector, petroleum pipeline, heavy manufacturing units, etc., there needs to be a heavy duty UPS that can deal with the minutest load fluctuations and safeguard the equipment. For example, low power UPES systems can take the load of computers and less complex machinery with ease.
  2. Design of the System – Industrial UPS systems are more durable and come with a complex structural design that’s engineered to handle major setbacks in the system. These devices are often customised according to the client’s onsite requirement. Their complexity mandates the need to provide a user manual with its installation. Meanwhile, a standard UPS system has a relatively simpler design and can work in a more controlled environment.
  3. Longevity – The standard UPS systems are less likely to function for long due to lower stability and a contract-based support service. On the other hand, industrial UPS systems have a better lifespan, i.e., around 20-30 years. They come with long-term full customer service facility lifespan. Therefore, in case of any discrepancy, the device can be refurbished.
  4. Cost consideration – In the world of cutting-edge competition, it becomes difficult to meet customer requirements. Therefore, marketers propagate the notion of cost efficiency rather than cost cutting. Installing a standard UPS system is a viable decision for low-power stations like data centres. Meanwhile, places with high electricity requirements can function efficiently with more powerful and sustainable UPS battery backup
  5. Support and Servicing – The standard UPS system doesn’t require a whole lot of servicing throughout its run. However, the industrial UPS system generally comes with an elaborate program that includes all support and maintenance services. This is done to sustain and extend the life of the entire manufacturing equipment, while also seeing to it that the industrial UPS system enjoys a relatively long lifespan.

From an external point of view, the industrial and standard UPS systems might seemingly have a whole lot of things in common. However, both these systems have a ton of differences when one looks at them from a technical perspective. There are many business that understand the technical aspects of both these UPS systems, and Schneider Electric India is one such company that has come out with a broad range of smart UPS supplies that are essential for the business. The company is a step ahead in providing inverter technology, which is required to sustain the operations of any business, regardless of their scale.

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