
Transforming Electrical Power Systems with Smart Electrical Components

Credit to Author: Atin Chhabra| Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 10:46:23 +0000

The distribution of electricity across a neighborhood has become an underlying need that doesn’t need to be mentioned in today’s day-and-age, and the reason for this is fairly obvious – after all, the fact of the matter is that without electrical energy, the functioning of households will cease to a great extent. Electrical appliances are essentially what provide individuals with the luxuries required to go about with their day-to-day lives, so the provision of power has become a mandatory goal as of now.

This makes it imperative for electrical power systems to be constantly innovated, so that any and all hurdles related to the issue of power distribution can be negated to a considerable extent. Many smart electrical components and technologies will help you accomplish this goal with relative ease, some of which are mentioned as follows:

  1. Power Factor Correction (PFC): This is a technique that basically sees to it that any particular outlet that requires a set amount of power is not under or over-energized by the power source that supplies this electricity. It sees to it that the electrical pulses are smoothed out so that the power being supplied can be controlled.


  1. Surge Arresters: Of course, it’s not like over-voltage can be controlled at all times. This is where the concept of a surge arrester comes into play. In case an unfavorable situation occurs, a surge arrester will see to it that the electrical units and equipment are protected for the most part.


  1. Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB): Surge arresters aren’t the only components designed for safety and security purposes; an MCB is a more common appliance used in this regard. The switch is designed specifically to protect an electrical circuit from damage that might be caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit.


  1. Air Circuit Breaker (ACB): In layman’s terms, an ACB is an MCB which is used at a larger scale for higher voltages. These are normally used in large industrial plants to facilitate better efficiency and distribution of electricity.

These smart electrical components have and still are transforming the electrical power systems, allowing them to facilitate a higher level of distribution and efficiency.


The post Transforming Electrical Power Systems with Smart Electrical Components appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.