
A guide to Effective Power and Distribution Management for Complete Home and Machine Control

Credit to Author: Atin Chhabra| Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 10:29:16 +0000

The age of automation has dawned upon the modern world, and the sheer level of control that has been imparted to us is nothing short of unimaginable. From augmenting an individual’s living standards to an impressive level, all the way to augmenting the processes of companies across multiple industries – there’s no end to the innovations that have been enabled through the increasing prominence of automation in today’s day-and-age. Namely, two major systems have been enabled through the advent of this technology – a power management and a distribution management system.

A power management system refers to a mechanism that monitors an electrical system and sees to it that its functioning is both safe and efficient. This is done through the automation of several processes involved in power management, such as synchronization, load sharing, frequency control, voltage matching, and load division – among several other functions as well. However, a power management system will be virtually incomplete without its integration with another crucial system that – in tandem – will ensure the proper functioning of this mechanism.

This system is aptly named a distribution management system, and accomplishes the critical task of distributing copious amounts of electrical energy across a whole host of devices – a much-needed service for multiple reasons. After all, it’s evident that power distribution needs to be handled correctly if one wishes to ensure that this service witnesses optimal levels of usage and reliability. Some of the main functionalities of distribution management involve the reduction of power outages, minimization of outage times, and maintaining acceptable levels of voltage & frequency.

So, a pressing question arises at this point – how do these systems impact the modern world? The best way to answer this question is by taking two use-cases of this technology.

  • Home control: Smart home control has become one of the driving technological factors in today’s times. As more and more integrated hubs of electrical and electronic appliances become prevalent, it seems that the smart home revolution is at its very peak. However, this brings to light the question of how power will be managed, which is where a power and distribution management system comes into play. By ensuring that electrical currents and voltages are distributed and controlled properly, home control will flourish in the current day-and-age.


  • Machine control: The rate at which industries have grown in the current day and age is nothing to scoff at, and one of the most significant sectors that have seen tremendous growth over time is the manufacturing sector. With the rapidly escalating growth of technology, the manufacturing sector needs to adopt the latest technologies that will help augment their functionality and help them stay ahead of the times. This is where power and distribution management comes into play, since it will help disperse electrical energy in an orderly fashion and ensuring the smooth and continuous working of industrial machinery.

It has become infinitely clear that one of the best ways to facilitate complete home and machine control is by implementing an effective power distribution and management system, which will help you automate these processes with relative ease.

The post A guide to Effective Power and Distribution Management for Complete Home and Machine Control appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.