
This Week in Security News: Corporate Vulnerability and Cyber Threats

Credit to Author: Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)| Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 13:00:22 +0000

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, a new cyber threat report reveals the vulnerability of small businesses and a new ransomware could infect your software to steal your passwords.

Read on to learn more.

Sears and Delta Customer Data May Have Been Exposed in Cyberattack

CNNMoney exposes a customer data attack on Sears and Delta, with an unreported amount of potential victims.


The Role That IT Security Teams Need to Play in Connected Hospitals

Joint research with HITRUST, Securing Connected Hospitals, highlights two aspects of the healthcare ecosystem that IT teams need to consider as part of their security strategy.

The U.S. Still Doesn’t Have a Cybersecurity Doctrine

Axios discusses the state of national cybersecurity and where the U.S. government needs to make progress in its plans.

TippingPoint Threat Intelligence and Zero-Day Coverage

 Mozilla patched a Pwn2Own vulnerability in less than 24 hours and other Zero-Day Coverage news.

Advancing Threat Protection Through Industry-Leading Research

At Trend Micro we’ve been protecting our customers around the world for 30 years. So what’s the secret to staying at the cutting edge of the industry for all this time?

Microsoft’s April Patch Tuesday Fixes Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities in Fonts and Keyboards

Microsoft has rolled out its Patch Tuesday for April to address security issues in Internet Explorer (IE), Edge, ChakraCore, Visual Studio, Microsoft Office and Office Services and Web Apps.

Cybersecurity Tips: How Companies Can Prevent Mass Data Breaches

Fox Business shares tips on how to prevent data breaches, and where the weaknesses lie in large companies.

Independent Lab Tests Again Prove the Excellence of Trend Micro Mobile Security for Android

For the fourth year in a row, as shown in AV Comparatives’ Anti-Virus Comparative Android Test 2018, Trend Micro Mobile Security for Android shows it provides 100% protection against malware.

New Cyber Threat Report Published

Criminals are launching more online attacks on UK businesses than ever before, it has been revealed in a report published to mark the start of the country’s biggest cyber security conference.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework Series Part 5: Recover

A proactive approach to data security is an absolute must, but chief information security officers and their teams must also know how to respond to a threat when it is detected.

How Many Can Detect a Major Cybersecurity Incident within an Hour?

Help Net Security shares statistics on the responsiveness of security teams across the world.

Alternative Communications Planning and Cybersecurity Incident Response

CSO contributor Tara Swaminatha discusses the digital communications aspect of dealing with a cyYESbersecurity breach and the steps to take when your company is attacked.

Sharing the Journey to GDPR Compliance

Something which is rarely talked about is that the GDPR can be about the potential of being able to do more, enabling more business opportunities faster than ever before.

A New Email Attack Could Infect You with Ransomware and Steal Your Passwords

A new outbreak of the Quant Loader trojan is tricking vulnerable users into opening malicious attachments that bypass browser security features.

Cybersecurity: A Small Business Guide

According to a report by Verizon, 61% of data breach victims were small businesses. 

Did any of these findings surprise you? Share your thoughts below and be sure to follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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